why is it ok for bio mom to make her life(if you can call that a life)and have as many partners as she wants and not ok for my husband to make his? any chance she has she will but in our relationship telling my husband what to do and how to do it and yes that involves handling me.
BM has not been setting a good example for my sd by having boyfriend after boyfriend oh! and all have lived with her while they are dating. SD seems to love all passing bms boyfriends but after 3 years of me being in her life and good to her im still an outsider. BM feels free to have an opinion on our lives but God forbid my husband mentions anything about hers.
no way is my husband a bad father or me a bad sm to deserve this kind of treatment from both bm and sd. where did we go wrong? by getting married the proper way through the church, having a nice reception after, having our own home or was it the trying to have good relationship with both SD and BM? can someone explain? or are bms just not meant to be understood?
I believe some BM's feel a sense of control DH, because they were once married and had children together including having a say and decision making power in DH's home and life when these were taken from her once they were divorced.
I will nevery understand's impossible...
The only thing I've come to understand is that some BM's (like ours) have chosen to make us their "hobby".