i need an acronym update please im lost. i know the common ones lide sd ss dh fim mil bil sil bf fdh but there are new ones like op or ot and many more. help!
Yeah, SEB is that poster's BM - IIRC (if I recall correctly) it stands for Shifty-Eyed Bitch. It's a nickname, like 'the orc' or 'bobo' or GUBM (Golden Uterus BM).
I know it means biomom, but whenever I see it, I'm the back of my mind I always think bowel movement. That how my sons daycare indicated a poppy diaper on his daily care sheet.
ooh i just saw one i dont
ooh i just saw one i dont understand "SEB"
lol i dint want to be rude so
lol i dint want to be rude so i just didnt post anything back immediately. but i was going to say thanks any ways...lol
Op= original poster Ot=
Op= original poster
Ot= Off-topic
lol good one.
lol good one.
Yeah, SEB is that poster's BM
Yeah, SEB is that poster's BM - IIRC (if I recall correctly) it stands for Shifty-Eyed Bitch. It's a nickname, like 'the orc' or 'bobo' or GUBM (Golden Uterus BM).
Lol yes. Houtex calls their
Lol yes. Houtex calls their BM SEB for "shifty-eyed bitch"
lol these nicknames are too
lol these nicknames are too funny. if i find more ill come back and let u all know.
I must admit when I first saw
I must admit when I first saw BM I thought it mean Bitch Mother!
I know it means biomom, but
I know it means biomom, but whenever I see it, I'm the back of my mind I always think bowel movement. That how my sons daycare indicated a poppy diaper on his daily care sheet.