blended family issues
I am a step mom n it's hard because I have two step children. One wants a lot of attention from dad when he gives us, baby n I attention and the other one doesn't care. HELP.. we try to spread love around but blending values and love when there is jealousy is pretty difficult at times.. As a step mom I tend to move out of the way and I should never have to run into the room when dad gives into his daughter which she is not the center of attention, but acts like it. How do I handle this?
Just wanted to say I can
Just wanted to say I can empathise with the steps wanting dad's attention when you have it -I find that lots; and also finding myself holding back on cuddles and holdings hands when she is present, in order to prevent extra jealousy.
I am a very loving person myself and I do give SD cuddles and attention, but that doesn't seem to matter - he is still HER DADDY! I can't be
I've I listen to her, take time out of my life for her and stop my plans for her.
If I was you I would try (as I have myself) staying in the room and being silent - what happens then? If I say anything, in my case SD says we're ganging up on her.
How old is your SF?
Like tonight the sd when dad
Like tonight the sd when dad was holding the baby she goes over n says dad I love u, ugh seriously go somewhere else. She thinks it's all about her so tired of it and I hate it. My S's doesn't really do that but she is just a pain in the ass.. it really creates lots of feelings for for me.. I hate it
She is 4 and son is 3. The
She is 4 and son is 3. The jealousy is with her and the baby sucks all the attention but it's sad because these kids were abused by the bio mom and now it's worse because it's all elevated. She has lashed out at the baby when I don't let her help or touch her.. idk it's all sorts of stuff..