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Am I wrong?

luckykell's picture

Not only am I new to this site, I am also new to this whole step-parenting thing. It has turned out to be a wonderful and eye-opening experience! My SD is 4 and turning 5 in two weeks. My DH has always been a great daddy, and since we've been together we've been able to take SD a couple more days a week, she has a bigger house to play in, and another family (mine parents) to love her. In the begining of my DH and my relationship he cheated on me, with BM. She does want him back, but he has let her know that what they did was wrong and he regrets it, and he has done everything possible to show me how sorry he is. I have gained my trust back, but every now and then something comes up with BM that requires a 'sit down' talk with the adults. After the cheating happened (it was in their old house which the BM still lives in) I had asked him to never go to that house again. And he agreed, and this hasn't been a far. BM called today and said she is having SD's birthday party at her house. I have offered to pay to have party at an indoor or outdoor facility...basically anywhere but that house. She will not compromise, and it just feels like she is trying to keep us (BF and myself, mostly me) away. Now we are having to have a separate party and this upsets SD. I am willing to be the bigger person and show up anyways, but 5 year olds can be perceptive, I don't want her to sense all that anger and hurt on her birthday. Any ideas? Am I wrong for thinking this way?

Most Evil's picture

Can't BM just have her party, then you guys have one at your house later? It just seems to be tempting fate to have all of you there, at the the 'scene of the crime'!! and will unnecessarily add to the drama. I am sure SD will love to have twice as much fun!!

"It's funny how dogs and cats know the inside of folks better than other folks do, isn't it?"
- Eleanor H. Porter (1868 - 1920), 'Pollyanna', 1912

luckykell's picture

We decided to do the 2 party thing, and I agree what 5 year old wouldn't want 2 parties?! The one concern I have is since she has asked us previously about coming to the one her BM is throwing she expects us there. When we don't show and she asks BM where her daddy is, i'm worried about what BM would say. Obviously I want her to say b/c its her fault, but this is the real world and that's not gonna happen. Hopefully that won't happen and the 2 party thing will work!