Need to vent and just get all the thoughts out my head.
So I am a childless woman and I am with my boyfriend who is a 34 year old man with a 4 year old child.
The relationship started in March but we had been friends since Aug 2012. I'm 24 and he is 34, the age may be an issue to some but for us it really is not something big. The only part that enters my head is if we had kids later on. Though my mind at the moment is no kids.
We had been taking it slow but while staying with him and his elderly father in June I came down stairs and found his father dead. His mother was divorced from the guy but was over in the UK with her daughter. I stayed with him, I took care of the funeral and got him sorted. It was hard but through it all he was concious of what I was doing and thankful. He took the time to comfort me after finding his father. I was just thinking back to when I had to call him at work, to tell him his father was dead. It was the hardest time in my life.
Now since then we were together for a solid month, I went off for 10 days to get my stuff sorted and for him to get his head straight. We decided to move in and it's been a few months now. I am happy with what we have.
I found a man who does things just to make me laugh, he says he is not a romantic but that is by hollywood standards. I am nervous in public and so is he, we go to the beach and he buys dinner every other week or just when we need to blow off steam.
Now the child is gorgeous and sweet. He is a very well mannered child, better than most adults! I adore this kid, he gives me surprise hugs, picks flowers for me and of course fights off the evil dragons I really did get lucky because the BPs split up a couple years ago so I am not seen as someone who took his dad away.
The BM is an issue, she can be okay but lately since he started school she is over protective and wants the father to see less of his son. He lives for his son and is a very good father.
For a few months he could not pay child support (2 months) but before that he was paying €112 a week (her rent). He gave her notice as his work is seasonal and he had to go on the dole. Since he is back at work he was going to pay but we received a letter from their ex landlord, now she stayed on at the place for a year and as a hoarder she accumulated a lot of shit. It took two skips to clear the house. She lied and said she paid for one but it was actually the deposit (which he paid but as I said it is technically 50/50). So she has been dodging this guy for a year. So the father says he will pay it off with the child maintenance money if she is okay with that. She said fine out and was happy about it. He never got it in writing though...
She now bitches about that but it has been only 1 week since he was back at work.
He has his son 2 Saturdays a month and 2 sleep over weekends a month. She wants to limit it and the times he gets to see his son. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and says he has to do it... ballocks to that. Last weekend he was meant to have an overnight but when she said no and tried to literally snatch the boy out of his fathers arms. She threatened to call the cops if he was not back. We called them instead and they said they could not do anything unless he was in danger.
Now she then gets her mother to call my boyfriends mother... she is being fed so much shit and the lies she is telling is awful. Thankfully my boyfriends mother is wonderful and was able to diffuse the situation.
Its the lies that piss me off, I have never been able to stand them. They make me feel sick inside at the injustice of them.
He says I never signed up for this shit and I can leave if I want. Men honestly... I can deal with her easily and already have an appointment at the solicitor.
Do you have a court ordered
Do you have a court ordered visitation schedule? If not this would be one of the first things you need to discuss with the solicitor. While ever you don't have a court order she can stop your boyfriend seeing his child and will continue to do so until you stop it. Once you have a court order you can slap her on the side of the head with it when she starts playing games (figuratively speaking of course lol)
Sorry my post above is so
Sorry my post above is so scattered. No court order, they were amicable up until now. What seems to have pushed her over is when he said he would pick his son up at 11am and drop him back at 5.30pm so he can have dinner there. She wants 12-5 which is no time at all.
If she had her way he would see his son for 44 hours a month
You sound like you are on my
You sound like you are on my side of the world. If you are it's a very different situation than to many users here who are from America. You are probably aware that in countries such as the UK and Ireland, I married fathers are at the mercy of BMs and tend to have very few rights even though they pay cs. In this case many in married fathers are forced to comply with crazy BMs. Our bm2 took dh to court even though he had been paying cs. Judge saw through her crap and granted fair cs but she has still made it very difficult for him to see his child and he feels unable to maintain a relationship with this child. Dh also has another child with bm1 who he is a brilliant dad to but be still feels afraid to rock the boat with her and does give both more than he should. It really sucks that I married fathers have such little rights here. My dh has leaflets which he obtained highlighting his options, your so should do similar that would be my advice.
Also 400 seems obsessive for
Also 400 seems obsessive for maintenance in Ireland, I thought 259 to 300 euro p/month would have been more fairer particularly in this day and age?
I/in meant to be 'Unmarried'
I/in meant to be 'Unmarried' on both occasions. Damn predictive text