
Stressed24's picture

How does it work? My boyfriend earns €348 a week and since his father passed he pays €95 a week for rent and then fuel, foods, electric etc. He lives on his own technically.
He has a 4 year old son and I am curious how it works out to what he should pay?

overworkedmom's picture

You will have to find a child support calculator for your area. Where I live it is based off of:

BM's income
Father's Income
Child care costs
Healthcare costs
How much time the child spends with each parent

All of those things factor in with an equation and that is how you get the total.

Topmuffin901's picture

It depends on Where you live. I'm in the UK and here maintenance is calculated at 15% of the non resident parents income.

Rags's picture

You should be able to research the CS calculations for your local online.

Let us know how it all turns out.