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would you file bankruptcy to pay your 18 yr old sd medical bills

momtomykidsonly's picture

My 18 yr old sd just went through a bunch of medical stuff, now the bills are rolling in. Keep in mind sd is always lieing and causing trouble. (much much more) but now the bills are rolling in....I have a nice house and 150 acres of farm ground, and rental property that I had before I married my hubby. He has rental property and a small business, however we are far from wealthy...when I asked him what he was going to do about the medical bills, I expected him to say send mommy dearest half....he said oh I guess if we can't pay them WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE will file bankruptcy!!! Notice I said WE! I am sorry but I have things that were handed down to me from my family that I will not lose. I might not feel like this if sd was even half way decent to me and my children but for 8 yrs she has made my life he//. Please help!!!!

soverysad's picture

OH HELL NO!! After the way she treated you. NEVER. Let him get a second job. Let BM pay her half or let SD18 get a job (if she is able). Get a credit card in her name and put the bills on them.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Smonster's picture

Absolutely NOT! She should get a job and pay them herself. I wouldn't even file bankruptcy if it were one of my bio's let alone a skid!

Amazed's picture

WOW....hope you have a prenup of some sort. There is NO way I'd file bankruptcy to pay medical bills for an 18yr old. When I was 18 I was paying my own damn medical bills one month at a time just like the rest of the adults in the world.

Not sure what your state laws are but I suggest to speak to an attorney to find out what will happen if your husband files for bankruptcy. And WHY wouldn't the girls mother pay half???

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

..."I'm not mean, you're just a sissy."

Coldandloved's picture

Are the bills in SD's name? If so I bleeive the only one filing is going to be her. YOU can't get rid of bills that aren't in YOUR name by filing bankruptcy.

StepChicka's picture

I'm thinking the EXACT same thing. If the bills are in SD's name why would DH and SM file bankruptcy. It's not their debt.

DoingItAgain's picture

Ooh, that's a tough one... I mean, you want to be there for your husband... but... No, I don't think I would agree to any such thing. I mean it's not like you are trying to raise money for some life-saving surgery... that would be different...

No, I would NOT take on any debt for an ADULT (albeit barely) just because they belong to my husband. I don't think I'd do it for my own son. I'd kick my husband for thinking that is the right thing to do. It's sad this kid is going to start out their adult life in debt but hey, life sucks sometimes and you just gotta rise above it. It's a hard lesson early in life.

Besides, usually, you can get away with making pretty small payments for medical bills without worrying about wages being garnished and such. You just have to show honest effort.

No, if you have some extra money laying around and you want to help the kid out a bit, maybe... but not if it will put you in debt. That is only ok if it's for life-saving reasons. This does not sound like it.

Constantly_guilty's picture

he can file a personal bankruptcy that will not hit your credit. he can file a business bankruptcy (as long as the business is in his name only) that will not hit your credit. As long as the house and land is in your name alone you are OK. If not, divorce him. I don't mean leave him. But legally divorce yourselves so that his legal and financial problems don't affect you.

But honestly, if he is willing to go that far for his adult daughter there's a problem. Her mother should have the opportunity to share in half the cost but she can choose not to as this child is an adult. It will be a lot easier for an 18 year old to clean a bankruptcy off of her credit than it will be for him to do it. He needs to think this through carefully.

StepChicka's picture reason too. If DH wants to pay and put himself in debt the get post nuptial agreement regarding SD's med bills.

Why are you guys paying for them anyway? When I was married to my XH he had 10k in medical bills. He paid them $20 a month. As long as SD's paying they can't put her in collections. Surely she can afford that. Besides, a little responsibility never hurt anyone. Once she proves herself to be a good abiding person you guys may REWARD her by paying some of the med bills but not until then.

DH can set up a plan: tell sd if she makes consistent payments in the amount of X for X amount of time he (and BM) will help her with the bills. Help is not to be confused with paying off.

Would Dh go for this?

Sus's picture

Ok , first who sign the records for Hospital or Dr's?? That is crucial. IF YOU signed any medical with YOUR NAME you are infact responsible.
My lawyer, told me when hubby was ILL NOT to SIGN anything, allow him to sign ONLY. That way I would never be responsible for his BILLS. I didn't sihn anything, and they asked, I refused. He signed for himself.. and then he passed.So they could NOT come after me and have never tried too.!! 8 weeks worth of Hospital PLUS PLUS PLUS...

That also goes for credit cards ladies!!

IF the child was over 18 and Signed , He is the only one responsible..NOT YOU OR DH.

As for bankrupsy...You can do it as a couple, or as a indivdual, even if your married. A friend just did, Dec 2009.. She went bankrupt all her outstanding bills and even kept he land, and her items.. she did chapter 7 ? & HER hubby did NOT...She's on a small replaymnet type thinks its was chapter 7
Another friend went bankrupt and did chapter 14 NO Paymemts
BUT if you did NOT sign anything You or Hubby .You owe them NOTHING!!

Sus's picture

Also being in the counseling field . I do know each hospital has a fund called "Hill Burton" I believe ask about that its a GRANT FREE to help people pay Medical Bills...
Good Luck...I live in USA what I wrote are USA laws..And I believe HILL BURTON is throughtout the entire USA.

The other advice was from.. MY Attorney in FL.