What's going on with so many of these young adult kids?
Has anyone noticed that more and more, young adult kids are dodging responsibility lately?
I was at an appointment a few weeks ago and heard some of the medical staff talking about how their adult kids don't want to be fully responsible for their own lives. One said her son was 28 and she was still paying his cellphone bill and a few other bills for him. She said after discussing it with her DH (her son's stepfather), they decided it was time for him to pay his own bills. She said he got mad when she told him he had to start paying all of his own bills that he decided to give up his apartment he was sharing with a roommate and move in with his father (her ex husband) and SM. She said he had gotten engaged about 6 months prior and she couldn't understand how he could plan to take on a wife, but still expected her to pay some of his bills.
A while back one of my distant cousins told me how his adult kids try to get out of line. He said his son started borrowing money and not paying him back. So he said the last time his son needed money, he told him he didn't have it, because some unexpected things came up. He said his son became belligerent and when he started correcting him, his son hung up on him.
Then he said his daughter started falling on hard times so he helped her out quite a bit then had to start telling her no. He said she started criticizing him, and saying awful things to him. He said he told her she had a really good man who loved her and provided for her, yet she messed that up. He said he then told her he's her father not her man and since she is an adult it isn't his responsibility to take care of her like she's his woman. He said he told her he has a wife, and it isn't her so before ever disrespecting him again she is better off not contacting him.
These are just a few examples. We read about it on the boards. Just don't know why I'm hearing more and more about young adults trying to force their parents to continue helping them.
There was time when a kidult trying to force or pressure a
parent into this kind of crap would have gone over like a fart in church. Now.... it seems that parents have some lack of spine and let their kidult spawn suck them dry of resources.
There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that I would get away with this. I wouldn't even ask. Neither woudl my SKid, he knows better.
Too bad so many people who had no business breeding in the first place never figured out how to raise their mistake children to be viable adults.
Rags you don't think it could
Rags you don't think it could have been an honest mistake by the parents? Just wondering if the parents thinking helping their kids wa actually loving them. Spoiled kids don't really ever turn out right. The way you teach kids you love them is by teaching them how to take care of themselves.
I remember asking the toxic ex with the toxic adult kids what was wrong with him that he didn't know how teach his adult kids to be independent. Then I asked him what the heck was wrong with his adult kids that they don't know how to work and take care of themselves. Never got a logical response.
Certainly it is a mistake.
As for an honest mistake..... I suppose a parent who does it once and never again once they see the outcome may be considered to have made an honest mistake.
In the blended family universe people rarely seem to learn and just keep doing the same crap over and over again expecting a different outcome.
It is mind boggling to me.
New generation
I'll tell you what's wrong! Parents put their children first wayyy too much. I argue with my wife all the time about this. They want to listen to their kids music in the cars, always cater to their children, make sure that their wittle feelings don't get hurt. This is why my ss is a brat now. For instance, we let him buy a pet. I told my wife we are not touching the pet in any shape form or fashion. I caught my wife helping with the pet and she says, "I know what we said but he needs help." Yeah, that's why he's so immature because all YOU do is help him! When I was a kid, I was dressing myself, feeding myself, and walking to the bus stop alone! SS is ten and we live in a great neighborhood and his mom loses her shit if she cannot hold his hand home. It's the new generation parenting. Kid first, until kid becomes a teenager and doesn't want to hangout anymore and thennnnnn your spouse wants to put you first.
SGS was being a shit about
SGS was being a shit about the radio in my car when SD36 wanted us to take him for a visit. Which meant we had to drive the 11-12 hour round trip drive x2 to pick up and return because Princess isn't springing for any gas. After that the little shit got to listen to gospel music the rest of the trip.
Keep is simple. Adults control the radio/music in the car.
End of problem.
For fun, put it on talk radio and listen to the political pundits do their thing or... listen to Dave Ramsey counsel on being debt free and growing wealth. Of... have the Spawn put in ear buds and they can listen whatever they want.
Badger, that is so
Badger, that is so unfortunate. Instead of your wife helping with the pet, she should have told her son that if he doesn't take care of the pet way he agreed,, then she would be looking for a new home for the pet.
That's what I said! I don't
That's what I said! I don't touch the damn thing!
Should have never gotten a
Should have never gotten a pet in the first place! I'm sorry ... but after the week I've just had, in which we just took in a stray cat with life-shortening serious medical issues caused by said abandonment, my patience for careless pet owners is at rock bottom!
Whatever pet you have is a living animal. YOU, the adult, have taken on the responsibility for it the day you bought it for your kids. If your kids can't take care of it then either you do it yourself or you find someone who can and for the love of God please stop acquiring animals.
I'm sorry but you can't just "leave it"/"don't touch it". Someone has to care for it and even you are partly responsible for it, Badger because you hitched your wagon to that woman who made a stupid decision to get a pet for an irresponsible child. Dumb shit my husband does becomes my responsibility sometimes because I'm married to him. I don't mean you have to look after it but you need to make sure someone is, even if that means rehoming. To let an animal suffer with no care is not an acceptable answer.
No they both do their part
No they both do their part but IM NOT. I won't change that! I already take care of the dog and I'm good with that.
If they are taking care of it
If they are taking care of it ok, as long as someone is. I said I didn't mean you had to, but someone needs to - which may mean finding it a better home.
Agree. This is why I said no to getting another cat -even though the DH and Skids want one and . I am the one who takes care of the cat. I feed it, bathe it, give it meds, and clean up its poop/litterbox. So unless skids or DH are willing to sign a contract to this, they don't get another pet that they don't do anything to maintain/care for. Last time I fell for the "I will take care of the hamster!" and guess what? I ended up cleaning the hamster cage and giving it some attention now and then because they forgot all about it. I also refuse to take any cats in that their BM agrees to and then suddenly can't care for.
It is so sad how many parents
The really unfortunate part is that these horrible parents bring these horrible adult kids into other's lives, and get offended when you tell them you don't want to be bothered or that the behavior is unacceptable.
It's a complete turn off to think someone should be bothered with someone else's poorly raised kids/adult kids. I pretty much let my toxic ex with the toxic adult kids know he was garbage and so were his adult kids, yet here he was again the other day calling me and sending me messages. Haven't responded to him in over 2 years and it's like he still doesn't get that I moved on years ago.
I gave him the best advice I could, which was to find someone whose parenting skills are just as crappy as his are, and they get together to spend their lives financially supporting adult kids who are lazy, disrespectful, etc.
I have a similar story to
I have a similar story to Rags. DD22 (16 at the time), got caught looking at her phone in class way too many times. She was late for classes and teachers would threaten to lock late kids out but never followed through. DH and I had no clue because the school was too afraid to call us because they always got the blame from parents. I attended a Meet the Teacher night and was given bullshit lip service but I sensed that something was going on. I told every one of DD's teachers to give it to me straight and they finally told me what a disruptive, phone addicted, late arriving brat DD was. I informed the teachers that DH and I were confiscating the phone, checking nightly on her HW and exchanging daily emails with her teachers. I told the teachers that DH and I will do our parts, but to feel free to do theirs. Lock DD out of class when she's late.
We only needed to confiscate DD's phone for one semester. It's her currency, so taking her phone worked for her. We told her that we instructed the teachers to take her phone and we'll stand by the teachers if they have to do so. DD stopped being late when a teacher locked her classroom door and DD missed a major exam causing her to fail the class. DD freaked and blamed the teacher. In a meeting with the teacher, DD and DH and I, I told DD that it was not the teacher who caused DD to miss her exam. I told DD "YOU were the one who was late." Afterwards the teacher said that she had never seen a parent put the onus on their kid before.
Today, DD is graduating with her degree with straight As and zero student loan debt. She actually thanks me for setting her straight.
I made sure to raise DD very differently from my SKs because DH told me that when he was awarded joint custody his lawyer told him to make sure that the SKs never experience any frustration or discomfort whatsoever or he could lose the SKs to BM at the drop of a hat. DH doesn't really like to say very often but he didn't want DD to turn out like the SKs.
It is not a coincidence that kids who are raised with
expecations and standards of behavior and performance honor their parents by performing to those standards... and beyond.
Your DD won the parent lottery.
Well done.. mom... and dad. And congratulations to DD on finishing her degree debt free.
My SS-30 is doing well. 11+ years and counting in the USAF, finishing up his BSCS, will qualify for active duty retirement before he is 40, and will in all liklihood have a great private sector career after he completes his service. I raised him as my own when his mom and I married the week before he turned 2yo.
Sadly, his three younger also out of wedlock Spermidiot spawned half sibs are failing miserably in life. #2 is on the dole, #3 is in prison, #4 is not far behind #3.
There is no recognition from the SpermClan regarding how well SS has done and is doing. They still play the manpulation and guilt cards they have been playing since he was a toddler.
"his lawyer told him to make
This is why Killjoy is such a B. DH had to walk on eggshells or Satan would rain Hell down on his head. Then when he got custody, the GAL answered every one of Satan's stupid allegations by interviewing Killjoy to make sure she was happy and getting what she wanted. He asked her how much time she wanted to spend with Satan. Who gives that power to a ten year old??
Laws need to stop making divorce profitable for the CP. CS is a money game, and custody is not about the children. The divorce rate for first marriages is 44% in USA. According to the movie Divorce Corp, the CS enforcement lobby is bribing our legislatures.
This is why I/We took a zero tolerance total confrontation stand
with the SpermClan. We set and enforced the standards of behavior and performance for raising children in our home and marriage. Those standards stood. Period. Dot. SS did struggle with pre visitaiton behavioral degradation and post visitation behavioral detox. But... the stanards held and were enforced from the second he arrived home from SpermLand visiation until he left for the next visitation.
We also kept the opposition completely in line with the CO. This reduces the variables for toxic opposition drama and Skid behavior drama. The Skids can run amok when they are visiting the opposition. When they return, instant rules, all the time.
IMHO of course.
This might offend some and
This might offend some and that is certainly not my intent, but I mostly blame the parents. I watched in real time as my ex husband coddled his adult son to no end, making sure he was never unhappy or without something he wanted. In doing so, he essentially crippled his son from ever becoming an independent adult. His manchild is unable to manage even the smallest responsibilities. My ex set no boundaries, consequences or expectations for his son - he was worried his son would "get mad and leave" or "be upset" if any expectations, boundaries, etc, were set. Before I left the marriage, this 21 yo man was still unable/unwilling to do his laundry, cook for himself and he never cleaned his room (had ants and other assorted bugs in there because of the filth). Daddeee would serve him his food at the table like he was a king - like make his plate up and bring it to him at the table. He always gave his son the largest portions of food, like he was going to starve or something. He also was like a toddler in that his daddeeee had to remind him every night to brush his teeth. He also never made it to work on time when he was employed, which was sporadic at best. He had lost multiple jobs due to his attendance. At the time I left, this 21 yo was complaining about working 8-10/hrs a week (this after being unemployed for a full 18 months). He also had a habit of stealing when he was somewhat younger, he lies (that continued up until the day I left) and he has no consideration for anyone else, it's all about what he wants. The situation was truly sick.
It's totally the parents. My
It's totally the parents. My DH is the same way with SSs. They have never had to wait or experience any discomfort at our home. They can't even be expected to do basic things like throw their own trash away. One had regular crying, screaming tantrums until the age of 12 and then would usually get what he wanted. The other is a complete jerk all the time, but DH acts like he is just a sweet, little boy (he's 16, nearing 17). With our DD (not quite 2), DH has behavior standards (including some that are unrealistic for a toddler, IMO). I call him out all the time and say he expects more from our toddler than from his teen sons and he will tell me that they regressed after the divorce, they have to deal with BM, he doesn't want to be on them all the time when they are here, etc...he's also afraid they'll just get mad and stop coming around, but really, it's annoying. I guess I should be glad that we'll expect more of our daughter, but it's so annoying to have to deal with my pampered prince SSs EOWE.
Reedley have you heard a peep
Reedle have you heard a peep out of your stbx? Is the divorce progressing amicably?
I got an email from him the
I got an email from him the other day. I forwarded it to my attorney and copied him in on the forward. I never responded to him. LOL! From the tone of the email, he's desperate, sounds like he might be homeless soon.
Other than that, nothing. We have the final court hearing in a few weeks. I doubt he even shows.
Stay strong
I know you will. Your exDH did it to himself. He was old enough to know better but he was counting on you to bail him out again. Good for you for not answering the text.
If my exDH hasn't found some old woman to mooch off of yet, I know he will be homeless eventually. Just like you, I provided the opportunity for my exDH to be a good husband and contribute both financially and emotionally. He never grabbed on to it. No pity for self-inflicted wounds.
It has been 10 months since the divorce and every day gets better. Hope your life is going well.
Sandye21, I'm shocked he hasn
Sandye21, I'm shocked he hasn't tried reaching out to you. Perhaps he figured out you meant business when you divorced him.
My ex-husband used to have this horrible habit of trying to force himself back into my life whenever things were going wrong for him. It's ridiculous that some people don't appreciate the goodness you bring to a relationship until you leave them. But one thing you can be certain of, they miss you or things you did for them once you are gone.
What did the email say?
LOL! Basically a "feel sorry
LOL! Basically a "feel sorry for me" tone, how his son is ready to attend college now and how much they miss me and want to try again, blahblahblah. Something along those lines. He's probably looking at moving under a bridge and he's sh*tting his pants.
Victory is mine!
Have you had the final
Have you had the final hearing yet, reedle2021?
I'm so glad you didn't have
I'm so glad you didn't have second thoughts. What a mess he had going on. Just a complete mess. Smh
When they get married
I'm trying to imagine what it will be like when they get married to someone who acts like they do. I'm sure they will make all sorts of expectations of their parents, but what happens when the parents are no longer around to take care of them? It's going to be a rude awakening.
I've known many people my own age who were raised like that. They were accommodated so much during childhood and as young adults that they didn't think they had to work for anything, and today they are struggling. This has been going on for a long time, just not at the scale it is today. No wonder we have a shortage of teachers!
I agree with Ispofacto
The divorce industry and gov't bureacracies, whilst catering to the CP (usually BM), put a financial incentive in place to basically ruin the children by severely spoiling them, which is sickening. It becomes a race to the bottom as parents (usually using NCP bioDAD's wallet) compete to see whose household has the least amount of rules for Junior. (And the most material goods)
In my day, there were TV shows such as "Leave It To Beaver" in which the spoiled, manipulative kid character was definitely NOT the rule/standard as it is today. They only had one Eddie Haskel. Most likely because divorce with its seemingly endless bargaining chips for CP BMs and children was not as pervasive as it is today.
Toxic Dysfunction
Thats all I see with respect to Skids.
Just on all fronts. Its the parenting - pure and simple.
The parenting or lack thereof
Sucks! My SD21 got married when she was 6 months pregnant (SKG is almost 2) to a boy a year younger than her. They started out living with his family, then moved in with BM. The boy-husband hasn't held a job and has been unemployed for well over 6 months. SD21 had a gotten a part time job and kept it for a couple of months, but quit because she is pregnant again and didn't feel she should be stocking shelves. I told her to ask her doctor and get a note for any restrictions, but she said her manager was just mean (she probably just wanted responsible employees who show up when they're scheduled to work). Boy-husband doesn't do child care for his own child so BM picks up all thr slack. SD21 doesn't clean up, either very much, so there's that, too. I feel sorry for BM, but she's allowing this to happen.
My kids have been told what's expected of them and of they fail, they ultimately fail themselves.
Either way, it is nearly entirely on the parents.
Failed spawn... parents are primarily at fault. Parents who suck so bad at being parents that their spawn suck at life and suck as people. Not a difficult concept.
Successful spawn...... parents are primarily at fault. Parents who are rational, understand that their spawn are only special if they perform at special levels raised with standards of behavior and performance. Not a difficult concept.
What is most confusing to me is SParents who invest nearly incessently in accepting excuses for their failed parent mates and even invest nearly incessently in fabricating "reasons" for their mates abject failure as a parent when there are no reasons, only exuses. Then even worse, making excuses for the behaviors that these failed parents have fabricated in their children.
A mistake I understand. Repeating that mistake over, and over, and over again I do not understand. Tolerating that in a mate or their prior relationship children. I do not understand.
I don't get it. Never have, likely never will.
I agree with your post 100%!
I agree with your post 100%! Well said Rags!
As a teacher of elmentary
As a teacher of elmentary through high school teacher, I can say that I see the beginning and have seen the aftermath of NOT launching kids and giving them responsibility both financially and physically. Very few kids mow lawns or shovel snow anymore. Very few kids help around the house and know how to cook, do dishes, clean, bake, do laundry, all the essential items that allow you to be an adult. And then the parents feel bad for the kids after they have coddled the sh$t out of them and allow them to live at home an live off their parents with no plan to move out and become independent. I have seen this through teaching and in my own home (which is why I am leaving among other reasons). Parents are working themselves to death, riddled with stress, so they can coddle their grown babies. These kids finally go out into the working world and cant do anything, nor do they have a stitch of common sense or street smarts between their ears. No one wants to do a trade anymore because there is very little work ethic. Anyone who becomes an electrician, carpenter, plumber, etc... will now make bank if they are ambitious enough because no one wants those jobs that are labor intensive. It's very sad, frustrating, and sometimes infuriating that it has come to this
Well said.
Well said.
Q: What's going on with so many of these young adult kids?
A: Shitty parents.