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Sk's Have A Lot Of Hate In Them!

Lady's picture

Dh and I went to eat at our hometown restaurant and Sk's were there with their kids. We got our food and sat down. Next thing that happened SS's and the DIL's walked right by me and my DH and was trying really hard to hide their kids so I couldnt see them.They really didnt want me to see my SGD I kept from birth til she was 3 .They walked right by their own father and never said a word to him. I just dont understand how they can have that much hate in them. I know it really hurts my husband to be treated that way by his family but if my D did that to us I would have nailed her before she got out the door. My sk's work for their dad and he pays them well .I think DH should fire them .I bet that would make a change in them. How do you not let it get to you? It does me sometimes. When my mother fell and broke her arm and she had to have surgery .It got back to me that sk's and dil's said me and my family was getting what we deserved.Well now my DIL 20 year old brother has stomach cancer and I would never think of telling her she is getting what she deserves. I think they are very evil people.!

forgotten wife's picture

yes, they are. your DH's family behaves that way because he allows it, which means he allows his wife to be hurt by his son and his DIL. what a piece of shit he is.