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It's Different This Year

Lady's picture

This year DH said he was doing thing's different .Sk's and the DIL's gave DH his rules about the gift giving.DH was suppose to give out expensive gifts without my name on them and they wont accept gifts for their kids if I picked them out.SK said it meant nothing if I had anything to do with the gift giving.Last year SK's and DIL took Dh gift to his office and in BIG letter's was written on the name tag WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!.Well DH has opened his eyes. This year DH got his 3 kids a gift and just wrote their names on the name tag .DH said if they had something to say about that then he was tell them to give the gifts back if its such a problem for them. DH and I opened up bank accounts for the GK's and someday they will be glad of the money their parents refused to accept.As far as the DIL"S well they get nothing .There was no gifts for me and my daughter and we were suppose to suck it up.Well lets see what the DIL's have to say this year.A dose of their medicine. Ilove it. }:)

Orange County Ca's picture

If you tell me what or how to give I just don't give. Money to a college fund for grandkids is great but don't allow the parents access to it. My DIL spent it all after the divorce.

Just include the account in a Living Trust.