Have you ever had this happen to you?
SK's hurt me really bad and especially my D. When they did some bad thing;s to my D I tried to confront them. I was gong to blast them.I had enough of them.This is the thing .When I tried like a crazy woman to confront them they run.They wouldnt face me.I trried for 2 days to confront them.Then I realized they can hurt you but cant face you.What Cowards.DH calls them telling them they need to man up and face the music.They tell Dh I am telling lies on them and thats why they dont want to talk to me.LOL.Tell me if I am wrong .If I was telling lies on them why would I want to confront them? They dont want to see me because they know they did wrong and Im going to stand my ground with them. one dil goes to great lenghts to stay away from me .She cant face me either. Now thats a coward. Has any of your SK's acted this way too?
Do not confront them. Erase
Do not confront them. Erase them from your life. permanently.
Do not see them, talk to them, text them, email them, etc. etc. Do not let them near your daughter.
REMOVE them from your life. Let your DH deal with them offsite if he must see them. They sound like shits that you do not need to waste time on.
It sounds like you are doing
It sounds like you are doing the work that your DH should be doing. These are his kids, he should be there protecting you and doing the confronting, not you. This is such bad triangulation. Why isn't your DH dealing with this?
Everyone knows they are
Everyone knows they are guilty cowards so let them continue to hide from you.
As someone said already erase them from your lives. They're not worth the time.