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If Sk's Wanted To Apologize

Lady's picture

If your SK's came to you wanting to accept you as their family and say they are sorry for their actions would you go for it or walk away? My Sk;s and DIL's have told me before they were sorry for the way they treated me. I fell for it hook line and sinker.I learned a very good lesson .They never treated me any better than before and still dont today. So if they ever do want to make a mends with me again I will never be screwed like that again.I will walk away!

StickAFork's picture

I believe in accepting apologies and starting over. That's just me.

chickadee1444's picture

I am a very forgiving person, but I can't forgive the hurt my husbands dotter has thown at me..he says I dwell..I will dwell then forever..she has not made any attempt to apolize and and I don't care..she has no remorse, becasue she thinks she is always right ..phhhttt!!!

forgotten wife's picture

"I am being forced to accept an apology by my dh."

only you can let this happen. you can listen to one but don't have to accept it if you don't want to. you're not his puppet.

stormabruin's picture

Yes, EXACTLY! Our actions are our own choices. That's the beauty of being an individual!

Your DH may want you to accept the apology & he may even get angry if you don't. However, it is your right & your responsibility to do what is good for YOU, YOUR mind, & YOUR heart.

Falsely accepting an apology is as meaningless as falsely giving one. Simply saying you accept it is not accepting it & no one can force you to feel acceptance.

stormabruin's picture

I would suggest you take a look at the kind of partner/marriage you have if you can't feel free to forgive on your own. Your feelings are not ANY less important than your DH's feelings. If he's going to ask you to ignore what's in your gut & in your heart, and get pissed if you don't, he's the one with a problem.

No one has a right to tell anyone else what to feel. You owe it to yourself to make the decision that feels good for you. If you feel you can genuinely accept an apology, do it. If you don't, you're not obligated to do so for the sake of appeasing your DH.

He can deal with his hurt feelings just as you deal with yours.

Anon2009's picture

If my skids acted like that as adults and apologized for it later, I'd accept it but would not forge any relationship with them at all. I'd have no problem saying, "DH, go see the skids and have a nice time. I'd like to take a rest." That's it.

I really have to wonder how these adult SDs would like it if Dad made it known that they could come over/hang out but not bring their BFs, SOs or DHs. I wonder how exactly they'd react.

RedWingsFan's picture

Been there, done that. Don't have any desire to get kicked in the teeth again, so until it's PROVEN instead of just said, no - I'm not willing to make amends.

Lady's picture

My sk's made their apology 4 years ago over something terrible they done to me and my daughter. Dh got mad at them telling them they better make their apolgizies to me. At that time they seem sincere and I spilled my guts to them saying I do accept your apology and I care about each one of you and mean you no harm at all. After all of that they never changed. I dont hold a grudge against them. I just know they meant to hurt me and never meant to make a change. If it ever happens again I know better now . I dont want to try anymore with them . Them saying there're sorry are just words . These people are not who I need in my life.

sandye21's picture

SD is a narcissist, and has informed me it's all me so I doubt I would ever get an apology out of her. I've disengaged from her twice. The first time she returned to my home without apologies but DH assured me she her attitude would be better. She was nice for a very short period of time before escalating her mean, entitled, sadistic behavior to worse than before disengagement. One thing has turned out to be very fortunate for me is that because she is a narcissist she will never lower herself to apologize, nor will she accept even patial responsibility for our breakdown in communications - so odds are she will never darken my doorstep again.

hereiam's picture

SD's have never really done anything to me to apologize for.

On the other side of it, my dad's wife has apologized for how she treated me and my sisters in the past. But years before she even said the words, she put it into ACTION. By the time she actually apologized, I already knew she was sorry.

People can change. It might have been just that she matured, or when she had my brothers she realized some things, or it could have been something else. Who knows why she changed, I am just glad she did.

It takes more than words. In fact, the words are the least important part.

steppedonstep's picture

Thanks, Iluvmykids...your comment got me thinking... "after years of saying theyre my kids.blah blah blah. i used to ask him when would it not be alright .do they have to stab me, shoot me????"
I wonder what my DHs threshold is? What would SD have to do to me in order for him to finally admit what's going on and take some action to remedy it? Stab me? Shoot me? Anything less is just excused. I may ask DH this question one day.

oldone's picture

I will accept anyone's apology.

But accepting an apology does not mean that I reserve a place for that person in my life.

I have many, many friends and relatives. There are not enough hours in the day to see or even talk to each one even once a week. I would be on the phone for hours and hours.

So people get prioritized. Some people that I consider dear friends I might not talk to but every six months.

LONGTIME SM's picture

My SD 36 gave a half hearted apology during our last and only phone conversation 2 years ago for one incident that had happened years earlier The other incident and expressions of hatred and jealousy directed at me and my bios were not addressed If SD had then acted as if she was sorry i may have opened the door for further exposure to her for myself and my children but she did the exact opposite

SDs apology was made during the same conversation where she called me names and criticized me for basically just existing. sD had called to demand her rights to my children because she was blood. I informed her that she had no rights to my children and that she needed to first work on her relationship with her father before she even thought about being around my children again SD gave many many reasons why she couldn't work on her relationship with her dad. None of them made sense - she couldn't call or drop by to see him at his office which was right down the street from her mothers home -where she was most days- because she didn't do drivebys, she couldn't meet him for coffee alone because he would be two separate people if she saw him alone. I quess this meant that she was not going to be happy until she forced her way back into my home so that she could resume a relationship with my bios and my husband at the same time she openly expressed her hatred of me in my own home.

In fact instead of working on her relationship with her father who she proclaimed to be a wonderful man only tainted by me - the devil, SD immediately launched an effort to contact my bios behind my back- through friends of friends on Facebook, texts, or by pretending to have someone else call them and then getting on the phone in a bait and switch effort. SD did this knowing that in doing so it would start an all out war with me.

Since SD immediately after our conversation entered into what amounted to open war with me by trying to contact and use my minor bios I never had to question the sincerity of her apology. It's obvious that she was not sincere. Im glad i didnt have time to consider it because i may have given her another chance. However, SD and SS both showed me who they really were and I do not foresee any further chances being given.

There is no reasoning with crazy and since SD told me that she didn't like me because I was controlling and the only example she could give was that her father made her tell me goodbye after her eowe visits to my home when she was a child, I think she ,BM , and SSs behavior all qualify as crazy!!!

LONGTIME SM's picture

This is so true We get dumped on and get the brunt of their anger yet Their real issues had nothing to do with us.

20YearsAsAStep-Mom's picture

That's exactly what our marriage therapist told us last week. That SD has serious anger issues with her mom. Her mom ran off with a younger man and left her and her sister with my DH. Therapist said SD is projecting her anger for her mom on me. Gee wiz, screwed up or what. I don't really care why she is a bitch, I am not getting involved with her again. She will never grow up as she doesn't think there is anything wrong with her. duh.

twopines's picture

Meh, SD27 and I went through the whole apology thing in 2009. Things were sort of OK until a couple of years ago. I'm done, and closed the door to any future ridiculousness.

Aanallein's picture

My skids hate me, then like me, then hate me again, my SD29 was a nightmare child, she was always into the wrong crowd, in later teens and early 20’s she would lie about me, she even told her work mates I used to beat her just so she could get attention from them. SS26 isn’t much better he is just a manipulative person like his BFather. DW takes their side every time.  Stupid thing is I love them all, all I ever wanted was a son and daughter and took them on as my own….

mathfed's picture

I was put in an apology situation with my wife's youngest son earlier this year.  This guy has been horrible to me for almost as long as I've known him.  He has been on a downward spiral for the last 4 years or so.  He dropped out of high school, left to live with his dad, was in a boarding home and foster care after things fell apart with his dad, and started taking drugs.  He has been so ruthless to me that I don't have a thing to do with him anymore.  I'm not really even sure where he is.  Growing up, he was able to get his way with his mom with rage and abuse.  When I entered the picture, that crap stopped in a hurry.  The details of that can be found elsewhere on this site.  He turns 20 in a few months.

Things between me and this guy have been hard to put it mildly.  Earlier this year, he signed himself into some kind of inpatient program.  I don't really know the details of it.  He announced to my wife that he wanted to apologize to me.  The thing that bothered me about this was that he wanted to do it with an audience.  His counselor would be in the room, with my wife and me on the phone.  To me, it felt like a trap.  My belief then, and now, was that he was trying to use an apology to triangulate my wife against me again.  He's tried about every stunt he can think of to split us up.  It became pretty clear I was correct when my wife mentioned his request to me and the way it would happen.  I told her I wasn't interested in partaking in another turkey shoot with her kid, and that he can write me a letter if he wants to apologize.  She was upset that I wouldn't listen to what he had to say, but I didn't budge.  This guy is a master at manipulating his mom.  If he wants to apologize to me, there is absolutely no reason for her to be in the middle of that.  I told her again...if he wants to apologize to me, then he can do it in a letter.  This was about 6 months ago.  Guess what?  I've never seen such a letter from him.  Big surprise.  I think his so-called apology was entirely a stunt to try to drive another wedge between my wife and I, and to make me the bad guy for not giving him yet another chance to ransack our lives.  Not all apologies are sincere, especially from a deadbeat stepkid who wants something.

sandye21's picture

"She was upset that I wouldn't listen to what he had to say, but I didn't budge."   I agree - this was a manipulation strategy for him to re-create the emotional triangle.  By making an apology he acknowledges that he was at least partially at fault.  He was trying to pull you onto HIS turf and out-number you with people who support HIM to apologize to YOU?  Yeah, right!  If his apology is genuine, and he wants to take responsibility for his behavior toward you, why is he unable to do this according to your wishes?

If you said something uncalled for to your wife, do you think she would want to accept your apology in the company of your family and friends?

Glad you saw this for what it was - a trap.  I think I would be MORE insulted because they under-rated your intelligence.

Oldfool's picture

There is no way under God's earth would I accept an apology. They already know I would tell them to Foxtrot Oscar....his daughter is only nice to me when she wants something....... I HATE her, her BRAT and her worthless brother and vice-versa. I have told my partner to tell the BRAT to pick up her rubbish off the floor and NOT to walk away and leave it. I am sure she shows more respect when she is anywhere else ..yes the same BRAT who threw packets of crisps at me cos she did not like the flavour.....

I asked the BRAT the other day what MY grandchildren do with their sweet wrappers etc..  She said that they put their rubbish in the bin. I said to her PLEASE do the same. She went quiet PROVING THAT SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING.

I told my partner to speak to her about the issue as yesterday she left a chocolate biscuit wrapper on the floor, walked away from it and went home. She is 9 years old!!! My 8 year old grandson KNOWS to put his rubbish in the bin!!!!! FFS!!!!!



CANYOUHELP's picture

Nobody apologizes here, they would have to admit fault; fault easily seen in black and white.  I refuse to be around that sickness again as times flies and I want to be around people I enjoy being with in these precious moments.  Even if they did, I would never trust the apology for anything more than some other hidden agenda.

In fact, I would likely trust anybody more than these people....

Suemm44's picture

I guess I have to say that I can't say I ever got an apology. It's been 4 yrs and SD never apologized for 0. SS acts like I'm a ghost. So, accept the apology and be yourself. I learned to not expect things from people . If you accept they cant say anything about you. I'd move forward and be done with them. You can smile and just be happy without expecting they'll change