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Feeling like SS19 (almost 20) is failing to launch -- thoughts?

momof5_1969's picture

Sooooooo, SS19, will be 20 in April. After he graduated (almost 2 years ago now), the summer afterwards he spent the entire summer farting around - playing video games pretty much sun up to sun down, hanging out with his friends and basically doing nothing the entire summer. So DH says he'll get on track after summer, let's just let him do this. So okay, let him do his thing.

He did start a firefighting course (1 class) that was one day per week and one half day per week. That finished in June 2012. He did fight fires all summer -- 3 months. Was done early Oct. and now he is back to playing video games most days -- all day long. He has a lot of money saved up from the summer.

He wouldn't have got a job except my DH got him a job where DH works, so now he works 2 days a week, and maybe one day a week at the station (volunteer), and occasionally he will get paid for those days. So basically he works MAYBE 3 days a week. Otherwise, like i said, he is playing video games all day and watching movies in his room.

He barely talks to me when he is home. He doesn't help out around the house. He pays no rent -- helps with nothing.

I'm tired of him doing nothing and my DH just basically afraid to say something to him because he "doesn't want to aggravate him." Well, DH, you have no problems with aggravating me!!

This boy needs to move out as far as I'm concerned. He needs to get another job, and move out. Supposedly, he is on the list at the fire department to be the next one hired. Supposedly. otherwsie, sitting on his ass. Sigh.

I have said all these things to my DH -- yes we have tried counseling. My DH just needs a backbone.

I guess I just needed to vent.

Orange County Ca's picture

Visit or any other bookseller and see the books on "kids won't leave".

Convince your husband that the boy needs to start paying his own way so he'll build confidence in his ability to stand on his own. The rent money is to be set aside and given back to him when he gets married but the boy isn't to know that.

The backfire from that is he will feel entitled to not lift a finger to help, after all that's the landlords job isn't it? Of course if he's not doing anything now.....

Meanwhile you can stop doing his chores. See that he has his own bathroom which of course you never clean, don't launder or prepare meals for him.