GAL question

Hopingforthebest's picture

We have had a court appointed GAL now for over a year. BM has constantly violated agreements that the GAL has put forth. He has never visited either of the childrens homes and still has not had a status conference. Everytime someting happens he states he will call BM and "lecture her" but clearly nothing ever changes. Anyone have any suggestions?

Orange County Ca's picture

I'll assume you're a step-parent. BM violates agreements. Your spouse has never visited children. Spouse has not had a status conference. Spouse says he will lecture is ex but doesen't.

My suggestion is that you stay out of it.

There are a lot of explanations for that but I'll try to sum it up: You have no power to make anyone do anything so there is no use banging your head against that door.

Read the other complaints - many of them are because people think they should exert some sort of control or discipline over how two people raise their bio-children. Don't fall into that trap.


There's an exception to everything I say.

Hopingforthebest's picture

Yes I am the stepparent and my DH has 50/50 custody..I meant the GAL has never visited either of our homes nor scheduled a status conference. I have been reading other posts on this site that have GALS and they seem to be more active ie visiting the homes this GAL basically doesn't do anything unless DH calls and has a complaint and then when something does happen ex. she refused to bring the children to their regular visitation he is very lax..just calls to let her know that she is wrong...

"In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but
what you have taught them to do for themselves that
will make them successful human beings."
Ann Landers