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will it be seen as not following court orders if we are not financially able to pay for court ordered couseling?

accessservices's picture

After 5 years of back and forth in the courts with the end result of 50/50. The now new judge has ordered more counseling where as all the other sesssions haven't worked so therefore we parent seperate. Do to the lies and bring up old issues that had all ready been ruled on by old judge the new judge viewed it as unresolved issuses. Initially we only went back to court to have child go to school from our address as the BM has always had that judgement. The child tells us that she lives one place and the BM says another resident. Again another Lie LIe

Orange County Ca's picture

Unless someone complains to the court that a order is not being followed the court will do nothing as they have no information.

So - will someone tell the court?

You can write the court and simply say there are no funds to follow the court orders and send a copy to the mother.

Melissatheothermother's picture

If the living arrangement has changed without informing prior or if child's residency is being withheld you can find type of petion to have emergency review and if they are with holding information or not complying with the agreement to provide any information that is imparitive to support the involvement and rights to child. Look up state custody law and meanwhile initiate positive and united coparenting and show you have best interest of child to have communicate and mutual involvement in dessicions and progression of welfare . They are more likely to award that than listen to attacks and insinuating bad parenting on the other parent.