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Soes anyone have skids in summer?

firecrackerz12's picture

I have a question. Dh is going to court soon. We want to know if judge will not allow him to have sd11 in summer just because he will have to work during day. Obviously, he will take a few days off but during two weeks he just cant take two full weeks off

StickAFork's picture

What is the usual agreement? How close do the parents live to each other? Does BM work, or is SD with her during the day?

firecrackerz12's picture

Sd11 is usually at bms job during summer. Old agreement didnt have summer visitation because sd11 was 6 and dh just wanted to get done asap with the divorce. Now, he has remarried since. Got another job. We live 20 minutes apart.

StickAFork's picture

I think it's pretty common for a vistitation agreement to include summer time. It is "possible" that the judge will issue a first right of refusal, so that if DH has to work, BM gets the first choice to watch her kid...even if she brings her to work.

Him being remarried changes nothing. I used to think it did, but has zero effect.

firecrackerz12's picture

They do not have rof. She just doesnt want sd11 to spend time with us as a family

firecrackerz12's picture

Yeah. Its annoying. I watched sd11 several times. But now all of a sudden dh has to be there 24/7

stepmama2one's picture

Well do you work? If you dont work then I dont see HOW BM can keep SD from staying there while DH is working. If she wants to push the issue in court then tell her if she doesnt want you watching her then she can indure the costs of daycare while SD is with you guys or she can just shove it up her ass and take care of SD during the day and either she can drop SD back off with DH or DH can pick her up. DH and BM can go to court and agree to something or the judge will make them BOTH just deal with it. Usually they have to agree to a daycare, but most of the time the judge would want to keep the child in the regular daycare. Especially if its with either one of the parents. In some parenting plans it will state that the child should remain in their normal setting unless the need to work is 4 hours outside REGULAR work hours. Then if that happens the other parent has the first choice as to if they would like the child. Its all confusing but as long as you dont have a criminal record and are just a completely shitty person then I REALLY dont see the judge saying SD cant just stay with you. He will just see it as BM being difficult because she wants to act like a bitch. Or you know the judge could say, agree on a daycare and both parents endure half the costs. Which in that case it is added into the child support calculations making childsupport even that much higher...