Been a while...... but here we go again!!!
So last summer, DH was in legal negotiations with BM for the umpteenth time. We were in the process of getting a provision removed from the visitation order that allowed BM to pick SD6 up for Church every Sunday of DH's visitation. In the process, the Judge's standard visitation order had increased summer visitation from 4 weeks to 6 weeks, so we were including that adjustment in the negotiations. As it always is in our case, BM fought the process every step of the way. We were inches away from a settlement when we were supposed to pick SD6 up for the final 2 weeks of visitation. BM was conveniently not home when we arrived and later informed DH that because he refused to settle the issue in her favor, he would have to forego his additional two week visitation. Contempt, you would think, right? Wrong!! Because the order wasn't final, all we could do was swallow it and hope the Judge would do something about it once we got to court.
When we finally made it to court in September, the Judge did just that. He ordered BM to give DH his two weeks. He informed DH's attorney that we were to pick two one-week periods that we would like to have visitation. We did just that. We picked one week in October and one week in December. However, BM gave the Judge the bird (as she always does) and refused to allow the visitation based upon her assessment that allowing extended visitation during the school week would be too disruptive for SD6. Fine with us. We really don't want to give up 8 hours of each of our visitation days when we were supposed to have had her for summer days. BM sent a counter-offer that totaled 10 days of visitation (less the two weekends she so graciously allowed us in exchange for our two week visitation) and split the 10 days between several months. No way!!! That's not extended visitation!!!
Moving forward. Our attorney offered what we thought was the perfect solution. One week at Spring Break next year (it's BM's year) and one additional week during next summer. BM told DH on the phone that she could not agree to that because she already had made plans for Spring Break. Like we hadn't already made plans during the two weeks of summer she took away from us? Selfish b***h!!! However, we received a letter from her attorney the following day stating that she was willing to offer:
1. The Sunday before the first day of Spring Break to the following Friday.
2. 5 days of visitation at the beginning of the summer (BM's time).
Obviously, she's still only offering 10 days when the Judge specifically told her to give DH two weeks. Also, Spring Break begins on Monday, so she is technically offering the week of Spring Break. Well, not according to BM. She claims that the first day of Spring Break is the Friday before the actual break. Yet, when you look at SD6's school calendar, it specifically states that Spring Break begins on Monday. And let's not even mention the fact that she didn't want to "disrupt" SD6's school year by allowing DH visitation during the school week, which is exactly what she is claiming they have offered. OMG!!!! Will the madness ever end?
- notmyfirstrodeo's blog
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The attorney needs to stop
The attorney needs to stop negotiating and just file contempt for her not giving you the weeks you chose. Because no, it will never end.