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New niche in the court drama about to come up

imagr8tma's picture

for us...... (Read back into my blogs to get the scoop on our crazy deranged BM).

Ok last two weeks been absolutely crazy...again. Well we are about a month out from the court date.... AND

- We received a notarized affidavit filed with the court by the BM. She of course signed this in January, and her lawyer didn't send it to us until about the end of March. This claims that - my husband does not spend any time with his daughter when he gets her for his visitation periods, and that we leave her in locations where she is scared, anxious and sad. Goes on further to state - DH always changes locations and times of visits and that he has had a significant change in income to warrant a change since 2004. Further it states that visitation should go along with the recommendation of the counselor and should be stopped and she be awarded full custody. AND this was filed after two sessions had taken place and we decided to attend the second session. (and asks for him to have to pay her attorney's fees and any other relief the judge deems fit)

Funny thing is that was not the counselors recommendation at all. She advised that visitation continue and that husband get a lawyer and GAL involved because of the mother's actions of brainwashing the child due to the child rendition of things being 180 degree different than the mom. AND the mother telling the counselor she did it because she does not like to make the drive to VA for visitation. (note: she doesn't drive to VA we meet her halfway each time.)

BUT the dumb BM filed the affidavit before the counselor finished the sessions and made her final report and notes available.

Now since she has found out that did not work with the counselor she has tried something else again.
Now she said we gave SD to much asthma medication in a weekend. 5 days worth in two days. Which was completely untrue. She gets one dose each morning after her bath. She emailed that to my DH and then in the same email claimed he forgets it other times.

Which was a lie. . . . . she didn't send the medication for 6 weeks (3 visits) and then claims it was because we used it all up in one or two visits before. Why would you wait 1 1/2 months before saying something then.

Now she is trying to give us an extra week of visitation next week for spring break. and it has been confirmed. She is going to MD for spring break with some friends and wants to leave sd with us and pick her back up on that following saturday.

My question is: if you claim we have been physically and mentally abusing sd, hitting her, leaving her in harmful places, over medicating her and constantly causing drama and trouble.... why do you then give us a extra week for visitation. That is just stupid. But hey - we will take the time of course and go on a vacation since it will be both our daughter's spring break.

It will really make her look bad in court - but hey things are really coming together the court date is in less than a month.

The saga continues.... Lets see what drama comes up after she finds out we all went on vacation together. She already feels that me and my daughter should not be around when DH has his visitation time at all. No one else has been authorized to be around sd - or so BM text to my husband...... WHATEVER!!!!!!!!


LotusFlower's picture

according to these BMs the BDs and SMs are no good at raising children, oh, until BM has something to do..then she can leave her kids with u for a week.....its so nauseating....please....get yur counselor's reports and go kick her a$$ in Court, ima....i'm sure its all about getting more CS usually is...hang in there!

"Sooner or later, everyone's bill comes due"

MiseryNMissouri's picture

I tell you these BM's are crazy, i agree with lotusflower, it probably has to do with CS and her wanting more....its a shame because the kids dont care and sometimes dont even understand about the money, all they want is time with each parent...hell if i were you i would be careful because the BM might try to snoop around your house during spring break to try to get information for your upcoming court date....seems like your DH has been through alot and the upcoming court date will be his time to shine......i am pretty sure you do, but make sure you stand by his side hand and hand, BM hate the crap, smile like your DH is the best thing swinging and show how much love there is in your family and that will drive BM up the wall...oh one more thing, just wait to see how she acts if you and hubby have a kid, the BM will hit the roof, i will leave that for another time....LOL, good luck in court, praying for you ima....keep us posted...

Anon2009's picture

BM did not take care of the children- she only wanted DH's money. When we had EOW visitation, BM went to Vegas for a week with her buddies to gamble and drink- and left the kids with us. Which was ironic, because she claimed DH wasn't a good father, that he was abusive to the kids, etc. She dug her own grave. To her, it wasn't about the children. Imag8ma, I hope you guys get custody.

stepmom2one's picture

"My question is: if you claim we have been physically and mentally abusing sd, hitting her, leaving her in harmful places, over medicating her and constantly causing drama and trouble.... why do you then give us a extra week for visitation. "

You wouldn't. Or at least I wouldn't as a BM. Keep documentation, may be even take some pics when you have SD for the week--or some video of a fun event to prove you had her extra time. This should show a judge that BM is a liar or just simply a bad mother.

Rags's picture

how unhealthy your home and marriage is for the kid.

Don's sweat the petition for you and your DH to cover her legal costs. That is very common and overwhelmingly Judges rule that each party will be responsible for their own legal fees.

I would also subpoena the counselor to testify in person or at least provide an official affidavit of her opinion and observations to the court. Make sure she submits at least a signed copy of her affidavit to your attorney so that it does not magically disappear from the BM's attorney's files before court.

If the counselor met with both DH and BM then you can move for any fees to get the therapist to testify in court are split between the two parties rather than being picked up just by you.

It sounds like you and DH are ready and will do pretty well in court. We have been three times in 15yrs and have always gotten predominantly what we asked for but have never left court satisfied. Family court always leaves me feeling like I need to take a long hot shower to wash the slime off of my body.

You guys should come out of this pretty well.

Good luck and best regards,

imagr8tma's picture

And i agree with all of your comments. Our lawyer has all of the documentation. We are just waiting to go to court next month.

We are planning to go somewhere out of town that way if she decides to snoop - she will do so in vain. My sister will likely stay in my home while we are gone.

And we will be taking pictures and home videos of the week. I am actually excited about next week - even if BM is using it for evil.

The past 8 months since we have been married have been hell. DH has been dealing with her crazy butt for almost 6 years now.

I don't like to go to court for anything since i have no choice in this matter - i am standing by my DH's side 100% of the way on this. My DH mother and sister will also be attending this court hearing. It is about time my sd got a break from this lunatic of a mother she has........

I am praying the judge is having a good day and that all of our evidence is heard in court.

MiseryNMissouri's picture

i am praying for your family as well, i mean i really see how supportive everyone on this site can be..i have read your previous blogs and i must say just when you think you have it bad you hear someone else's story and be like, "what in the $$$k, but i am glad to see that there are good mothers and step mothers out there..its a shame that the step moms have to be put in the middle....i wish you and your husband the best and please keep us posted...also glad to see that you are by his side 100 percent nothing like having a sorry mother and then a sorry step understaning why your screen name is imagr8tma......add step ma to that and seems like wife.....LOL...kick her a$$ in court...okay i have vented enough, you get the point...your DH's BM needs man, probaby wants your DH back because she is missing out and sees what she could of have, but i dont want to open that can of worms....