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shellie's picture

I have lived with my partner and his two children for 6 and half years from when kids werw 1 and 5 i love the bones of these kids and i am 100 per cent commited to them they are my world What rights would i have if BM appeared she has never made any contact at all for 7 years but this is always a worry to me as my partner and i are not married i would appreciate any help and advice Even when BM was around she was only allowed supervised visits as due to her drug/hectic lifestly kids were on at risk registar with social services which they were removed from the minute my partner won custody any help and advice would be very much appreciated thankyou We live in scotland and BM lives in england

emotionaly beat up's picture

Not too sure, but in Australia we can see a solicitor for the first visit at no cost. You get a fair deal around 30 to 45 minutes and you would be far better off getting legal advice as to Family Law in Scotland than you would on this site. Perhaps you can ring your Family Law Court or whatever applicable agency you have in Scotland and get advice from them.

Rags's picture

Of course you should engage an attorney in your location. However, this site and other similar sites are good places to come for successful basic strategies that work in a variety of countries and jurisdicitons.

Effective strategies can be adapted to a variety of legal environments.

So ....... in most places a SParent has no legal standing. However, an adoptive parent has the same rights and responsibilities as a BioParent. If BM has abandoned your SKids you and your SO may want to investigate your adoption the Skids. I am not sure what the details of making that happen would be in your location and what the impact of not being married to your SO would have but you could look in to the possibility.

Another option you may try is filing to terminate BMs parental rights due to child abandonment if that is an option in your area.

Get creative, see what you can do and ....

Good luck.