Wine Time
Its Friday and I have decided it is Wine Time, Not WHINE Time. I am going to enjoy this peaceful weekend with no drama, no Adult kids visiting, no SD drama like 2 weeks ago, just me and DH, cant wait to get started, oh..... just popped that cork. So love that sound.I have decided to make it a ME weekend and not a SD drama filled one. Hope some of you get the chance too. Cheers!!!
AWESOME! I have the same
AWESOME! I have the same evening planned. 30 more minutes and I get to go home from work, take my pants off, crack open a bottle of Moscato and put my feet in DH's hands!
And shrimp cocktail is a
And shrimp cocktail is a chill'n
DH wanted to go out to
DH wanted to go out to dinner, but since my cramps have taken my body over, I'm not in the mood to go anywhere. He said he'd cook me something and then rub my feet and my back. God I love this man!
Your a lucky girl, enjoy
Your a lucky girl, enjoy every moment
Still waiting for my DH to get home, long day for him, I should be a bottle into this moment of mine before he shows up LOL
Yes, yes I am a very lucky
Yes, yes I am a very lucky girl - as I look over at the bouquet of roses and lilies he sent to my office the other day "just because".
I couldn't ask for a better man to share my life with. Especially after what I went through with my ex.
We're absolutely perfect for each other and don't even mind when someone says they're jealous of our marriage or we make them "ill"...LMAO
If there was a LIKE button I
If there was a LIKE button I would push it. And the best part is that it just pisses the X's off. My DH and I are the same way and get the same response from people. You/Me/We could'nt be luckier
Half a bottle of pinot and
Half a bottle of pinot and life is good!
Soooooo lucky. I on the other
Soooooo lucky. I on the other hand have to use my wine to block out the children