SD15 wished me a Happy Mother's Day
BM decided after all to keep SD on MD instead of letting her come with us on out weekend getaway. This was fine with me…it was MD and she should be with her mom. Plus, it really lessened the tension and drama, and I thoroughly enjoyed our little vacation. That is something that I can’t say about one for the past 6 years, except for the weekend trips when DH and I leave the kids home. I wasn’t expecting to hear anything from SD on Mother’s Day. Again, that is fine, I’m not her mom. But, in the afternoon I got a sweet text from her that said “Happy Mother’s Day. I love you”. I thought that was so sweet…and unexpected! I’m hoping that this disengaging from the parenting (both good and bad) might help us with our relationship as a whole, and lessen the drama. I responded with a heartfelt “Thank you Sweetie, and I love you too”. It’s little things like this that keep the hope alive that she will grow into a caring, responsible adult despite her parent’s poor parenting skills.