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What's with these little thieves??

phoenix410's picture

I've read on here about other people who have had their stuff stolen out of their rooms... wtf is up with that? If we weren't renting this house, I'd insist on a deadbolt on our door. :/

Yesterday, SD13 hands me a pair of my really nice underwear, the kind that comes in a lingerie set. I have those in a separate bin than the rest of my 'everyday' underwear and obviously in my room, in my closet. She told me SD11 had just gotten them from her friend's house, and they had been left there after she used them and spent the night there. Apparently SS11 had been bragging to Sd13 how she got them out of my room. (When SD13 isn't being a brat she's a total turncoat and tells me all this stuff).

I overheard DH telling SD11 to tell me she was sorry for taking my stuff and lying about it.... THAT'S IT?!

So I went into her room, closed the door behind me and walked right up into her face. Since this is the second time in a week I've been told she messed with my stuff (SD13 told me that SD11 and SS8 "mess" with my laundry when they're supposed to be folding it... I don't want to know what that entails)... I very seriously told her that if I even SUSPECTED she had her hands on my stuff again, her favorite things were going to start disappearing out of her room. She just kind of looked at me, so I got even closer and repeated myself. She nodded and slunk away.


Lying little thief.

PeanutandSons's picture

Ewww... That's so gross. My sister and I are only a year apart and even as little kids we didn't share underwear. My mom bought one brand for her and a different brand for me so she could tell whose was whose.

OptimisticMe's picture

LOL!! This reminds me of what I did when I found out SD stole my panties. We were at my BD's tumbling practice and I told her I had the coolest idea to share with her later. She just couldn't stand it and as soon as we got to the car she pleaded with me to tell her. I said "well since we can wear the same size panties, let's start sharing. You can wear mine and I will wear yours. It will be so much fun". When I got a weird look, I said "well you must like mine because you took them. But no, that isn't going to happen. Stay away from my stuff. But thank you for the laugh, my mom, sister and I had a good laugh talking about you stealing my panties on my way home from work. We haven't laughed that hard in a long time."

One of the only times I have truly "out done" SD Smile

RedWingsFan's picture

^^^^^^^^^^^THAT was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Smomof3's picture

My jewelry started disappearing when my SD was 6 or 7 and it progressed until she was probably 10. I think her BM told her to take it.

AlreadyGone's picture

I don't know which is worse... the 'sneakily take your things' or the flat out entitled, 'walk right in and take whatever the hell you want' simply because you can.

My adult SD did both. Many times, there was money missing from my purse after she visited. I could never prove it was her but, I know it was there before her visit and gone afterwards. STBXH would try to explain it away like somehow I was mistaken. The last time it happened I actually caught her with her hands IN my purse and went off on her. From that point on, I kept my purse locked up whenever she was around.

I just don't understand this whole walk right in and take what you want. It's like they have no manners at all. The adult SS actually took my car w/o asking. I went off on him too, lol. Grab my laptop and just start using it, walk in w/o knocking, go through my refrigerator and eat whatever you want w/o asking, take my bluetooth headset, come in and take dad's golf clubs. I mean there was no end to it. When I voiced my displeasure, I was told that this was normal behavior for kids. BULL$HIT! I wasn't raised that way. My parents (divorced when I was 6) did not allow such behavior.

OMG..... so glad I am gone!

RedWingsFan's picture

WOW! I'm sorry you have to deal with that. My SD14 only took makeup and things from my bathroom. Never clothing. Probably because she's bigger than I am and my clothes wouldn't fit her!

Anyhow, what type of punishment do you plan on handing down for taking your intimate items without permission????

phoenix410's picture

I told her, and DH, that if I even suspected it of happening again, HER stuff was going to start disappearing, starting with her favorite things. I'm gonna throw that sh!t in the bonfire and light that sucker!

Oh, yeah, I have no idea what is up with that whole mentality. They FREAK out on each other if one steps foot in their room without permission, and yet it's okay for them to not only walk in ours without permission, but to steal something?! Wtf. SS8 was told on a few months ago by one of the sisters for taking $7 out of DH's change jar. We took two weeks of his allowance. And two weeks ago we were told he tried to take money out of someone's bag he saw laying around at the community pool.

I swear, these kids have no soul.

RedWingsFan's picture

Oh and just for dramatic effect, when the time comes (and unfortunately, you know it will) - make the guilty person actually toss their favorite whatever into the fire! Themselves! God, I'm evil }:)

RedWingsFan's picture

Hell, it was what my dad made me do when I was a kid. I took something (can't remember it's been so long) from my little brother and trashed it just to piss him off. Dad made me go get my favorite stuffed animal from my room and chuck it into the fire. I was devastated but I learned one thing: NEVER take what doesn't belong to you. Karma will get you if no one else does!