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Update on almost getting evicted because of my boyfriend’s son

Monsterchick87's picture


I wrote a post last week about my boyfriend's son living  with us in my one bedroom apartment for 6 months. Well, I have good news. He's not sleeping here anymore!!!!!!!!! My landlord warned me that I could get evicted if this man child kept sleeping and taking showers since the apartment is only for 2 people.

I talked with my boyfriend and I was doubtful that he was going to tell his son to leave since all he does is cuddle him and enable him. The son is 23 and has been unemployed for a year, doesn't have responsibilities and is fully supported by my BF. Well, he finally took my feelings into consideration and told his son he had to stay somewhere else. Yeyyy!!!!! So the son is staying now with the girlfriend who lives with her parents but I don't know what else he's planning on doing. Now he'll finally learn some life lessons. He was super comfy at my house. All his meals were prepared, mostly by me!!!! And his dad did his laundry. Who will do this now for him? What food will he eat if it's not ours? He'll have to either get a job or use his unemployment money. I don't know how he did it but he's received unemployment benefits. By the way, even if he's gone my BF still makes excuses for him. He says he can't get a job because it's not safe due to COVID19. He says maybe he'll wait until September. Wowwww!!!!

The only thing that worries me is that many of his belongings are still in my house. I wonder why my BF hasn't packed all his stuff. I hope he's not coming back because he shouldn't. But you have no idea how much peace I feel not having him invading my space. Also, I'm worried about my future plans because I want to buy a house and I'm scared that BF will feel entitled to bring his son to live with us. Hell no!!!! How can I buy a house in the future without this happening. It will be under my name but if I tell my BF his son can't come, he'll start saying that I don't like him. Very typical of parents. What's your opinion?

DPW's picture

Good. Bring some boxes home tomorrow and tell BF to start packing his stuff or you will and you'll just throw it all in. 

Don't buy a house now. Save that money for your escape plan. I suspect you'll need it. 

notarelative's picture

BF will say I don't like his son. He'd be right. I don't like lazy adults who expect someone to house them, feed them, and do their laundry. 

You are not married to this guy. This is not your child. BF is delusional if he thinks anyone wants his son living there. It won't be long till he is no longer welcome at girlfriend's parents either. Get some boxes and pack up his stuff so that when he comes to get it, you can put it outside the door, and he does not have to enter the apartment.

If BF wants to house his son, he can get an apartment and let his son live with him.

tog redux's picture

Right, just say " you are right, I don't like him. He's lazy and spoiled, and I will not agree to live with him again."

Rags's picture

Why is his return even an option and if the 23yo and your BF have not dealt with the Skid's stuff, why havent you just called Salvation Army to come pick it all up?

I would recommend that you quit playing games with these users and stake out your position of authority in your home and relationship and when necessary, force the issues at hand when they arrise and provide absolute clarity that your BF's position in your life is dependent on him finding the testiicular fortitude to deal with his POS failed family breeding experiment and finding the character to be your equity life partner.

Good luck.

Take care of you.

shamds's picture

In daily, that my husband was too chicken shit to kick out and launch, a ss who enjoyed mentally abusing me and my kids daily, treating me as the hired bitch maid, having 2 sd’s telling daddy to transfer properties of his solely into skids names like our kids do not exist.

i told hubby i wasn’t gonna remain in a marriage like this. My husband bought a home in my country, put it in my name to avoid having a sneaky exwife and skids kick us to the kerb penniless should something happen to my husband. Skids will never enter this home EVER!!

they are full of negative toxic crap and i am done with it. Hubby even told ss that hubby couldn’t justify bringing ss to my country to spend the holidays since ss continues to refer to me as a stranger and our kids as not his siblings... none of us want to be around him. Hubby knows I won’t stay in our marital home (back in his country) with ss there... but instead of growing a pair of balls, hubby coddles him by making excuses why he can’t come home.

i’m just trying to finish my university studies by end of next year and re-evaluate things then...hubby knows I won’t settle for shit anymore