Things I'd love to say to Bio Mom
Hey how about you close your freaking mouth with all your lies! My husband pays you child support every month so you have nothing to complain about lady. I've heard from 2 reliable sources that you are going around telling people that he does't pay you child support like he is supposed to! He does and you know it! What's worse you tell his daughter these lies too, that is so wrong and sad to put her in the middle yet again. Why do you have to drag her in the middle again? This is not fair to her! You act like you have her best interests at heart, but you don't! I hope that in 3 years she goes to college so she can get away from you antics! You are such a drama queen and a liar, no one believes you and no one likes you! You cause destruction wherever you go and the good people in this town can see right through your bullshit! You have burned do many bridges, no one that is normal wants anything to do with you! Get the hell over yourself and get a life. :jawdrop:
You are a sad excuse for a human being. Wow I'm not surprised no man wants anything to do with you anymore because you've chased them away with your sparkling personality! Let's just say that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you have a lot of skeletons in your closet, so shut the hell up!!!
I want to play this game!
I want to play this game! Okay, mine would go something like this:
"Way to go BM, way to really be MOTY once again. You told the kids you didn't have enough money to take them on vacation again this year but where are you this week? Could you be on vacation with your VERY on again/ off again "boyfriend"?"
"What's really sad is that your kids actually believe your lies because they love you and then they take it out on us because we are always there for them. You have them so F'ed up a 16 year old boy still plays in the floor with little kid toys and calls you "Mommy". He is clearly damaged from all your broken promises,lies, and the fact that you are a whore."
"And what do you want most in life? Clearly not to have children that are happy and successful. Oh no, you want the man that you cheated on DH with (who later did leave his wife and kids)to make a commitment to YOU! News flash, if he hasn't done it in 5 years, he isn't going to do it! Because you are a cheater and so is he and he is at least smart enough not to marry another cheater. He might sleep with you a little longer though."
"And you are getting older and uglier by the minute and when you realize that this guy will never see you as more than a piece of tail it will be to late for you to find anyone! But go ahead and chase that money girl."
"I am really enjoying this life that you threw away. In just a few years will be more financially set than that man you are chasing because we work hard and make the right decisions."
"And you will be alone, you poor little victim!"
Thanks, that felt to good!!!
Time to sit DH and SD down
Time to sit DH and SD down and go through all of the court records, CS payment history, BM behavior issues, historical communication, etc... so that SD has absolute clarity about her lying POS BM and the manipulation that BM has perpetrated against her and her dad.
Facts are not good or bad. They are just facts but they sure are great tools for barring the asses of anyone perpetrating idiot behavior.
Don't wait. Do it now!!!
This was the lynch pin that allowed us to prepare our son (my SS) to protect himself from the toxic, shallow and polluted end of his gene pool. When he was in his teens he was well enough abreast of the facts that when he was on visitation to Sperm Land and they lied and manipulated he could call bullshit immediately. Once he aged out from under the CO and they started trying to guilt him into sending money to help support his three younger also out-of-wedlock Sperm Idiot spawned half sibs by two other baby mamas his understanding and knowledge of the facts of their historic manipulations, lies and crap gave him the tools he needed to tell them to FUCK OFF, step up and support the kids themselves.
Facts, they work and they cannot be ignored. Give your SD the facts so she can protect herself.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
If she is about to go to
If she is about to go to college then she can look at all the craziness her mother is causing. She needs to see the bank statements that her dad is taking care of her and if she still takes it out on y'all its because she is choosing to be ignorant.
My turn: I'd take her
My turn:
I'd take her hand,
Get on my knees,
And BEG for her to take SD full-time.
Please please please take your child, I don't want her and my husband only needs to see her on his days off work. That way I'm not left alone entertaining her when HE should be.