SD17 trying to take over when DW gives birth
Step father to Sd17,sd14 and sd 12
Very briefly Sd17 sees herself as quite dominant, talks alot about how she doesn't need any adult to tell her what to do, shes been mature enough since 14 to look after herself.
She's cut off all contact with her bio-dad,
Anyway generally we get on and I like her.
DW is due to give birth in 2months..
Tell me if my feelings are out of line, Sd17 wants to take a pivotal role in birth,
Holding DW's hand helping her breathe,
Maybe because it's my FIRST child I'm feeling defensive, and I've never witnessed a birth before,
so I don't know exactly how things will pan out,
Would you mind her coming along? my feelings are that she wants to take over,
Especially because she fancies herself as a junior doctor and it will be a good experience for her,
Maybe more experienced ppl can give some advice, and would be appreciated.
Your wife, your baby .... do
Your wife, your baby .... do what you wish. But if you decide to put your foot down then do it now and make sure you discuss it with your DW before hand.
IMHO labor should be limited to your wife, you and the delivery team. SD-17 can wait in the waiting room with the other two SDs and everyone else who will be there.
Now, when my SIL was in labor I was there with my brother, my mother, her mother and her sister. Until the pushing started. Then everyone but my brother left.
You may want to consider the same for your babies birth. Let the Skids in until the pushing starts. Then send them all outside.
Congratulations and good luck.
i agree with this. if you are
i agree with this. if you are worried about looking like the bad guy, you can have the dr or nurses tell them that everyone but dad needs to go.
i agree with this. if you are
i agree with this. if you are worried about looking like the bad guy, you can have the dr or nurses tell them that everyone but dad needs to go.
This is your first baby. You
This is your first baby. You want to this to be a treasured memory of you, your DW and your new child. I understand that completely. My memories of my son being born are among the most wonderful of my life.
These are moments that can never be found again if they are lost to you through circumstances you don't agree with.
Personally, I'd let the SD wait outside with everybody else.
She will have her time to have her first baby with a husband in future. You won't be, I assume, in the delivery room with her.
This is YOUR first baby with your wife. Claim your space!
I opt for letting Mommy make
I opt for letting Mommy make the decision - and take the flack if the girl is excluded.
I am the minority here.
I am the minority here. Personally especially since this is your first child and obviously she has children already I would def talk to DW.
Just explain this is your first child and you really want this to be a bonding moment for the three of you.
I have come to the conclusion that although our spouses may not always agree with us that we really do need to express our concerns and feelings before we harbor and over think them to death. Ive found I am respected most of the time when I at least open my mouth before we blow it up completely
My mum was in the room, my
My mum was in the room, my husband and best friend were holding a leg each while I was pushing, but DD got stuck so I went in for an emergency c-section and my mum waited in the room, but DH and bestie came to theatre - bestie only because she was a trainee doctor and doing her paeds phase and I wanted her to be there for it.
The moment babay was born was entirely about DH and I. It was great to have bestie there to take the photos of us and she got tons.
I think it is perefctly reasonable to say to DW that you only want you and her in the room, or perhaps if SD insists give her the photo job. BUt despite it being mentioned that it is whatever DW wants, it is your child too so you ahve every right to say how you want things to travel. I would get it now and lay it down, nothing would be worse than on the day your SD is muscling her way in to support your wife!
Happy wife = Happy life I get
Happy wife = Happy life
I get that this is your 1st baby and this is a special time for you. Even though this is your wife's 4th(?) baby, it's her 1st baby with you. Also, it's been 12(?) years since she's delivered. Lots of changes in the standard of care!!! As your wife can tell you, each delivery is different. Even to a "pro", it's a frightening experience, with so many "what if's" mingling with intense levels of pain.
Talk to your wife! Establish a birthing plan. It's ok for you to say that you want the birth to be just you and her (and the medical team), but there can be a looooong time between going into the hospital and having the baby. You can ask your wife if she would be ok with everyone leaving when it's time to push. BUT also realize that is important to her that her oldest baby (who's getting ready to leave the nest) bond with her newest baby.