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SD crying and bedtime drama

Primrose37's picture

Hello everyone,


just looking for a bit of advice here. We have SD7 sleep over 4 nights a month and I have a son from a previous relationship age 10. Both children go to bed at 7pm and watch tv, and then tv goes off at 8:30 and then time to wind down and get to sleep.

the problem I'm having is, SD always cries whenever it's time to turn telly off having been fine the whole time she's watching telly, and then is in and out of bed for the next couple of hours looking for excuses to talk for eg, Tummy ache, needs the toilet, needs a drink, heard a noise and then asking random questions about irrelevant things.
She tries to have conversations with my son whilst he's trying to go to sleep and in general doesn't settle until about 11pm. My son is normally asleep by 9pm but has shared with me that's he's becoming frustrated with being kept awake when she's here. He gets up in the morning around 7am and SD won't get up until 10 if she's not woken up earlier, which is what we do to ensure she falls asleep earlier the following night. (Which doesn't work).
we've gathered from speaking to her, that BM allows her to watch telly until very late until she falls asleep which is why she's not falling asleep at a reasonable time and getting up so late. But it seems she's relying on telly too much. 
it becomes a problem when we're trying to have 'adult time' when we go to bed but can't as she's still awake and is constantly coming in the bedroom without knocking, and multiple times, so when she's here we just automatically assume no lovey dovey tonight.

when we've asked if she wants to stay an extra night, her first response will be 'what time do I get telly until' and if she's been naughty in the day and my husband punishes her with 'no tv tonight' she will announce that she doesn't want to stay tonight and could he take her home after tea.

I just don't really know what to do about the situation! Bottom line is, if she can't have telly until the time she wants she's so unsettled, cries and disrupts everyone else in the house. 

we've tried talking to her about it, but she just says that she wants telly to fall asleep, which she wouldn't do. Hubby and I have fallen asleep on the sofa before and woken up at 1am and she's still been wide awake watching telly.

so I guess my question is, what do I do and how do I solve this problem?


Any advice or suggestions hugely welcome, thank you for reading :) 

Stepmama2321's picture

We have the same issue with SD. She has no routine at BM so enforcing a bedtime is tough. Honestly it's a loosing battle and we've come to just accept the fact she doesn't sleep well here (4x a month as well) because we continue our morning routine bright and early and she has to wake up when we do. 
I would suggest moving her out of your sons room so it doesn't affect him anymore. Continue turning off the TV at the same time you always do and continue waking her when everyone else wakes. She'll have to just deal with being tired.

Rags's picture

Give her a melt in the mouth Melatonin when she goes to bed at 19:00 to watch TV.  She should be comatose before 20:30 and sleep like a log giving your own kid, and everyone else, a peaceful nights rest.  Since she stays over only 4 times a month she should not get acclimated to the Melatonin and it should work like a charm.

Good luck.

And..... put her on another room that has no TV and explain to her that because she cries and complains she no longer gets bedtime TV.