6 year old step son toilet problem
Hi all, I'm new to the forum. Hoping I can get some help from you experienced folk.
Every night we are being woke up by my girlfriend's 6 year old. It's either a nightmare or he's wet the bed, tonight he set the bed twice. Obviously I can't be mad as it's not his fault, but I am getting grouchy at having my sleep disrupted every night. What could possibly cause this? He's allowed to play he iPad for hours upon hours daily which I think doesn't help with the dreams, and he's allowed to watch TV until he falls asleep - could it be that he's staying awake too late that he falls into such a deep sleep he doesn't wake up to see?
Lastly I feel he's very young for his age, he constantly needs to know where we are, hollers around the house "muum come here" and can't yet wipe his own bottom.
Please can anyone offer some advice?
Bed wetting can be complex
Television is just not really good for kids. There are some interesting and heart breaking studies about how kids who watch more television have a higher chance of having antisocial personality disorder and worse. I'd definitely moderate that immediately. I have strong beliefs about screen parenting approaches. We all need a little entertainment from time to time but humans really need fully present, real and sincere emotional connection. Especially in childhood.
Does mom spend time with the kiddo? Does she snuggle him or is she phyically distant?
Does the child have any past trauma? Is he being abused in his other home? Is his other home with bio dad stable or is bio dad completely out of the picture?
There are a lot of things that can contribute to ongoing bedwetting at that age and it's important to be honest about that sort of thing. Perhaps reaching out to a child therapist might be a good idea? Even if you feel weird about therapists, they can be such a tremendous help. Our family therapist for my step child who has a very complicated emotional world and past trauma has been a rock star for his life and for his dad's.
Without knowing any underlying issues, it's hard to really answer your question. And for whatever it may be worth to your girlfriend because it sounds like you don't have kids of your own... what mothers go through via sleep deprivation in the first couple of years of a child's life is incredible. Imagine sleeping no more than 3 hours any day for three months straight -many of us go through that. So when you complain about not getting sleep, she may on the outside be very polite about that but know this: all of us who have raised an infant kinda have a hard time feeling real compassion for anyone losing sleep and having feelings about it. Harsh, I know.
I do empathize though... when my step child moved in he had a billion issues (down to a few hundred thousand now!). One of the many was that he didn't know how to sleep properly because neither his mom nor dad helped him develop healthy sleep habits and so he would wake us up often. It would frustrate me because dude... I already went through all the years of sleep deprivation as a single mom! And now THIS kid is going to make me start all over again?? No way!
So I get it. Even though on the inside I kinda roll my eyes about the sleep thing. Not trying to be mean, just being real. If you'd been through the newborn stage, you'd know what the long time parents are talking about ;)
If you feel okay sharing a bit more information about the kiddo, I'd love to try to help. If not, maybe like I said, a family therapist might be able to help? I applaud you coming on a forum to talk about it though especially as someone who maybe doesn't have a lot of experience with kids. If we all reached out for help and support and truly wanted to learn more about what children need, I believe fully the world would be a better place. So kudos for that for sure!
Given this is a recurrent
Given this is a recurrent problem, why isn't he wearing pull-ups to bed? It's also time he learned to strip his bed, wash the sheets (or at least put them in the hamper) and put clean ones on. I'm hoping he has a rubber sheet on the mattress...Why is his mother pandering to him and treating him like a baby? Kids learn best when faced with challenges ...
At 6, it's not unusual to
At 6, it's not unusual to still be wetting the bed. It's highly unlikely that the iPad and TV have anything to do with it, though it is pretty lousy parenting on your GF's part. Nightmares are also not uncommon at his age.
Read up on standard ways of dealing with bedwetting - no liquids after 6, GF should wake him up to go pee when she goes to bed. They make alarms that will go off when they sense moisture - and definitely take him to the doctor to rule out any medical issues.
Also, your GF needs to step up her parenting and make him more independent.
Have to let GF handle it
She the BM Its her job to handle her kids. But you better start thinking that if she can't handle something like this. Wxhat does the future hold