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Sad that BM is so selfish...

Smomof3's picture

Our BM picks up my SS14 every other week on Friday from school, except she sends her "wife" to do it. Last night he said to me "I love you and I love Jodie (the wife), but I'd like to spend alone time with my Mom and when she picks me up is the only time I can".

He'll go visit her this weekend and she'll see him on Friday night before her NA meeting, then she'll work Saturday morning til Noon, take a nap, spend a few hours with him and then have her NA home group. On Sunday, she'll work and get home at 2:00, only to nap. We'll pick him up at 5:00. In total he may see her for about 6 hours over the course of the weekend.

I called her today to give her a heads up that he's missing her and she talked about her work schedule, etc. She said she was aware of it, but her schedule is what it is. Couldn't she give up a nap and spend some time with him? Her drug use lead to her crappy job and she's replaced her addiction with her NA meetings. I'm glad she's not using, but good grief, when a 14 year old boy bares his feelings like that it's rare and should be accomodated to some degree.

Smomof3's picture

Teenage boys don't talk much about emotions so I think it's crappy that she just disregards his needs. Of course, he's a boy and not a girl and that's a big issue for her. His sister gets treated like a princess.

3familiesIn1's picture

Our BM too - she has 50-50. But she will pickup SS from after school care as late as possible. She sleeps off the weekend time as best she can by putting SD12 in charge of SS7. She spends as little time as she HAS to with either of her children. She will pawn them off with friends and playdates if given the chance.

DH is better, but he pawns them off on me. It feels like he works late to avoid them because he always seems to be ontime from work or early only on days his kids are with BM - i used to think it was just bad luck but the pattern has remained solid for years now and I think I am not imaging it.

People who didn't want to have children, shouldn't have - now these kids in so many ways, have noone.

Smomof3's picture

That was part of his complaint to me that she sleeps the entire time he's there. He said that it's not like he's going to visit his's more like he's at her house in case she wants to see him.

Smomof3's picture

Our BM is the same in some instances. She tells us a lot and then on important things we never know until it's too late. She's a whoa is me kinda person.