Power struggle with entitled 20 year old
I have a SD who attends MIT and who has been told her entire life how special and smart she is. She has had a life of little adversity and has pretty much always got what she wanted. Her mother is very loving and a bit of a push over.
For the past 7 years we have butted heads on occasion. She has always acted as though she were my peer - which was ridiculous, but also pissed me off. I am 30 years her senior, now married to her mother and have a very strong personality, but she still insists on talking like she's smarter than me, more knowledgeable about life than me - and here's the kicker - whenever she comes home from college, acts as though it is her house. It's like she thinks she's a VIP.
She talks to me in a rude, sharp way - it takes everything for me not to tell her what an egotistical, entitled bitch she is.
How do I get out of this loop?