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Parental alienation fail????

Secondwife78's picture

DH has full custody of SS13 , SD16 and SS17. BM shared legal joint custody with DH up into three years ago. Three years ago BM and her BF threw SD16 out of their house over something and BM refused to go to therapy and work it out with SD16. That along with BM refusing to co-parent with DH the family judge Awarded full custody to DH of all the kids. BM gets visitation with all three BUT refuses to see SD16 and has cut all contact off with her. SS13 and SS17 see go over for Regular visitation. 

 BM has tried to Alienate SS13 from DH for years. SS13 would come home upset that BM showed him a email DH sent and tell SS13 see how nasty your father is to me. SS17 came home once saying BM told SS13 DH was NOT his real dad but came from a sperm donor. This is true BUT Neither child knows about this so We know BM did say something. I could go on with more but think you can see my point. 

Recently there was an incident at BM’s between SS13 and BM that SS17 walked in on. SS13 was screaming Hysterically at BM that he KNOWS BM is trying to Manipulate him against DH. That it’s HIS Secret as he never has told anyone. That BM RUINED his life and he LOVES DH more than he loves BM. Not sure WHAT started all this as SS17 walked in towards to end. Once SS13 saw SS17 he ran up to his room crying and did not come down for hours. Once SS13 came down he Apologized to BM and that was it. 

Now one would think SS13 would dread going over to BM’s since she spends so much time Trying to alienate      SS and it’s clearly bothering him after the last outburst but no. SS13 gets VERY upset if BM has to work and can’t get him. When DH and I go away for vacation every year and leave SS13 with BM he LOVES it. Never even calls us. Now since we have a wonderful relationship with SS13 and since how he went Psycho on BM about her badmouthing DH we know she’s not Alienating him from us. 

So I guess I’m wondering why is SS13 so clingy/needy for BM when it’s clear he knows what she is up to and clearly bothered by it???? Thoughts?




unhappy_step's picture

it takes a whole hell of a lot for a son to cut his mom out. but in general, it's not easy for a kid of either gender to get to the point where they can easily cut mom out of their lives. the bond is strong and kids crave the love and acceptance from the woman who gave them life. my fiancé's daughter hates her mom. i have watched her go from getting hurt and still loving her to now at 10 yo acting like her mom is dirt on the bottom of her shoe. it happened slowly, but it sure did happen.

tog redux's picture

My SS20 is completely enmeshed with BM. They have screaming fights periodically where he says mean things to her. Then they are besties again - round and round. During the last fight, BM threatened to kick him out and SS told DH when he moved out, he will never speak to BM again.  Mind you, SS is 100% financially and emotionally dependent on BM.  If he ever cut her off I would be shocked.

What you are describing with your SS is the same - enmeshment.  He doesn't love DH more than her, he wants to hurt her. The fights are part of the enmeshment.

Secondwife78's picture

1. I think SS13 is so clingy/needy with BM NOT because he loves her more BUT he’s Insecure. He’s probably thinking when will I do something that will piss off BM and she gives me the boot like older SD. It’s got to be traumatic to a child I think A parent can just throw them away at a whim. SS13 is Secure in his relationship with DH and knows DH would never do this. The reason he’s not clingy and up DH ass 24/7. My Opinion...

2. Now why SS13 finally had enough of BM’s Brainwashing and stood up to her has me more Confused. Yes SS13 loves DH to death and it probably killed him to hear BM Spew her hatred about DH... BUT it took a lot of risk on SS part to do this knowing BM could be pissed back and throw him out. 

Rags's picture

Blood is thicker than behavior for young ones.  At least it is for some of them.

At leas this kid is intelligent and recognizes that his BM is a manipulative POS.  But still a POS that he knows he is supposed to love.