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Just when I thought I’d seen it all with SS....

Secondwife78's picture

SS is going into 8th grade but acts like a 7 yr old. Has NO Chores And barely can clean up after himself. Has FEW friends and needs to be up daddy's ass 24/7. Last year it was a "blessing" that SS Discovered video games. This is the ONLY time he's Semi quiet and not wanting daddy's Undivided attention. Anyways on the the issue...

SS was never a outdoorsy Type kid. More of a loud  anoxious screaming  chasing the dogs through my house brat. When when Covid19 hit SS refused to go outside except for Parenting time exchanges. I mean won't even go in the backyard to kick the soccer ball. When we explained there is NO Covid19 in our private back yard he changed his toon and just said he just does not want to go outside. This has been going on since March! DH has Recently got SS to run around the back yard with the dog BUT that's it. SS still refuses to go for a walk, go for a ride in the car(except for going back and forth to BMs) Basically leave the property. 

Now DH is trying to get SS to go outside but not forcing the issue. DH says as long as SS is doing ONE thing a day in the house besides Video games DH is ok with this till COVID19 is gone. I personally think it's weird as hell and think( my opinion) SS is using Covid19 to stay in the house. I mean a kid that old can't be that stupid to think he's not safe in his own backyard .right?? Also SS sleeps till noon on the weekends as he's up watching tv with daddy till midnight. 

So is it Bazaar that a kid SS age is acting this way or is DH right just to ride it out till Covid19 is gone and just be happy if we can get SS out in the backyard for short  play Sessions?

JRI's picture

I would disengage and let DH handle it.  The two of them are going to determine what gets done, or not, anyway.

tog redux's picture

You aren't going to fix your husband's parenting, he's too lazy to do what needs to be done - it's easier to let a kid play video games all day than it is to be the big meanie who takes them away and makes him do other things.

I think you have to decide if you can live with this situation for the next 10 years or so (he's not leaving at 18, for sure).