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OT-Something special for DH

fullhouseof5's picture

My BD is with her dad this weekend and my 2 SS are with BM this weekend. That leaved DH and I all alone until Sunday at 6 when my BD comes home. He and I have been on edge with each other lately, mostly because we each have 800 million things happening all at once. I was wanting to do something special for him tonight but I don't know what! Help me out here ladies...any ideas?

Lilly's picture

Cook romantic dinner
just focus on him, no talk of work, money, kids, BM,

pull out old photos of when you guys first met, after dinner ...when the sparks were flying

if he likes to golf or fish, whatever, tag along with a fat smile.

Stop at Victoria Secrets. Wink

FallingfromGrace's picture


LOL - just kidding...well kind of...

"God grant me the serenity accept the things I cannot change; the strength to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."

fullhouseof5's picture

LOL Falling!!! That's what I am hoping for!! Smile

Thanks for all the ideas. Its so easy to get stuck in a routine that revolves all around the kids.