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*Opinions* do you think DH KNOWS

Alexusmaine's picture

*Opinions* do you think DH KNOWS Thier kids are losers or are most in Denial???

I KNOW SS18 is a total F...up but DH makes all kind of excuses for SS18 rotten behavior. Examples...DH will say kids are different then when we were young when SS refuses to lift a finger to help with ANYTHING  meaning SS behavior is no different than other kids his age. DH will Blame BM for coddling SS when SS mouths off to me or DH stating that's the environment SS grew up in so not much DH can do now. When SS refuses to take his dirty shoes and puts them on my couch when I ask DH sticks up for SS saying I'm overreacting...

I know the excuses are all BS but my question is does DH really believe what he says or does he know SS is a F...up and just does not know what to do???



MorningMia's picture

I think deep down they know, and they go into denial mode. It took my DH being treated poorly directly by his kids a number of times and witnessing a number of skid bad behavior and screw-ups for him to openly admit they were problematic. I think it was really hard for him to admit it to me, as if that were some kind of kid betrayal. 

Yesterdays's picture

My husband is quite like this... Regarding his kids behavior. In some ways he's quite blind to it. I can tell from the stories and comments he makes. He thinks his daughter is being fierce when she does things like act sassy or she's being a know it all and he doesn't notice. He tends to blame bio mom for their attitude and behavior... Saying it was their upbringing too... And it would have been different if she hadn't moved away forcing custody... He could have parented them his way... However his parenting was very loose and coddling. He was afraid to ever tell them no or make them do anything. Basically he waited on them hand and foot and allowed them to act up nonstop without putting an end to it. Then when I was in the mix he never shut down their ill mannered behavior toward me. 

AlmostGone834's picture

I think they know. Deep down somewhere in the dark backrooms of their mind, they know the awful truth about their kids. They won't admit it and they keep this knowledge locked away where they won't have to face it. They put on a brave face and fiercely defend their faults and all the poor behavior... but every once in while the mask slips and you can tell that they know

ESMOD's picture

Hope springs eternal.. and I think parents will very often have huge blind spots when it comes to their kids.. I mean.. they remember the young, innocent babies they were.. and the cute goofy kid etc..  They "made" them.. and admitting they are not perfect is kind of a reflection of themselves.. so they try to see the best in their children.  Step parents don't have that same lens.

I know my husband is pretty good about knowing his kids aren't perfect.. In fact, I'm usually more likely to try to walk him back from the edge of the cliff when his younger daughter might do something he thinks isn't so smart... like go to a concert by herself.. not really bad stuff.. just things he thinks are risky. 

I don't think there is anything we can gain as stepparents by trying to point out.. make them see the light.. on their kid's faults.. all it does is put us in the line of fire.. we can set boundaries when things come to US.. as far as what we will accept as treatment of ourselves.. our finances and our homes.. but if the kid is young and lazy.. (which honestly.. I see more of now than when I was that age unfortunately).. sometimes we just have to wait and let life teach them those lessons.. at a certain point.. it's more effective .. and painful at times.. than what our "stupid" parents tell us..haha.

MorningMia's picture

Good points. DH agrees that he and SD (Pwecious Pwincess) had chosen to see one another in a timewarp--back when she was a cute little 5-year-old. That still lingers a bit. 

Harry's picture

They know they destroyed the family.  This is a result of the failed marriage.   They only see the kids EOWE and don't want to turn this into a war. They Knowing they  are  going to lose in the end. [ kids will not come over]

Cover1W's picture

DH knows his kids are weird and take things for granted. However don't date mention entitled, spoiled, lazy, liar, etc. Because that's just too far.

He also "doesn't understand how they are this way" and says nothing when I mention I tried, I suggested things to him and more when they were younger but I certainly didn't know what I was talking about did I?  i wonder where the blame rests DH, surely not with the parents....then he usually goes on to blame BM.

He even told me recently if he could do it again he would do anything for them, give them more of what they wanted so they'd talk with him. I said you think that would actually work? You know I would not have stayed, I would have left you.

Yeah, so his counseling must be going really well.

Evil4's picture

Recently my DH admitted to me that one of the reasons he found it difficult to parent the SKs was because of how weird they were. He admitted to living in fear of the SKs liking BM more and that their total abandonment of DH could happen very easily. He altered how he parented because of the fear but also because they were really weird and did not respond to normal parenting methods. Of course he blamed BM. 

I remember throughout both my SKs' childhood thinking how weird they were. There must be something about that unparenting of kids that causes them to be weird. 

Evil4's picture

For years I thought DH didn't see a damn thing. DH always defended his precious poopsie mini-wife. Three years ago, I almost walked. DH got himself into therapy and us into marital therapy and in our first marital therapy session I was able to discuss my conditions for not leaving. My number one was that DH MUST start admitting to how SD really is and how the way she is has impacted our marriage and how DH allowed that to happen. Over more sessions it turns out that DH knew how SD was and how much I hated her. He figured if he totally downplayed anything she did he would make her seem not so bad to me and I wouldn't hate her even more for things she did and how she was. I had to spell out to DH how that only backfired because I was walking around with constant seething resentment over the things she's done, some illegal and some unforgiveable and yet he acted like she was so great and superior to everyone else in the world. So, yes, these dads know.

tryingjusttrying's picture

I didn't consider that dh could be diminishing how bad SS's behaviors in order to see him in a better light. Thanks for that POV.

CLove's picture

But throws his hands up "what can I do about it!"

We had that talk yesterday. He wanted to throw something in my face about SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada.

I just told him "I want her to get off her a$$ and get the heck out of her room and make something of herself! STart driving! Get a JOB" 

He had nothing to say, except "I know I do too".

TrueNorth77's picture

He doesn't make her?? MAKE HER!!

CLove's picture

Is if he tries to make her get a job: he will be responsible for getting her there because she has no license. Nothing in our town is more than 10 miles away from his job. She needs to have a job so that she can help pay for her car that hes going to get her - gas and insurance.

He thinks that if he gets her driving that she will then be asking for money to pay for insurance and gas and all that entails.

He would rather take 3 days off for fishing.

I even went so far as to offer to take her to get her picture ID so she can get a job... no takers.

So she becomes the "rotters" we all talk about here.

She gets June. And that is all.

Rags's picture

Cut off all funds. Just a roof, water, and food. That is it. She earns the rest.  Make sure that DH knows that one Cent goes to her and they are both out.



ESMOD's picture

You see the problem don't you?  "he would rather take 3 days off for fishing"... your husband is also an unmotivated.. skate by guy.  He is fine with you doing all his heavy lifting for him... I believe he was out of work for a while.. and wanted to be in no hurry to get back on that horse.  You do all his "email work".. for him.. he never checked on his kid's school stuff etc.. he let you do all of that... telling you, I'm sure, "you are so good at that".. 

Your SKIDS are products of their own parents.. neither of them are knocking it out of the park in life.. so what example has been set by the parents?  rather fish than help his kid become independent.

Kes's picture

When I met DH, my own two daughters were attending, or about to attend, University, and his daughters were 5 and 7.  Every so often, I would offer a bit of parenting advice, gently, but this just made him angry, so I stopped.  He and BM parented his daughters like they were their friends, not parents, it was excruciating to watch.  Now the results of that are coming home to roost, they are in their late 20s, and neither of them can maintain a relationship.  I think DH knows they weren't brought up very well, but has trouble admitting to himself. 

Shieldmaiden's picture

I know when the Sk's start getting worse instead of better after 18, DH starts to realize he messed up. My DH is going through this and is actually changing his behavior because he sees that the SD that he "protected" the most ( his favorite) is the one that is the most messed up. He is treating them now as adults, but they don't like this at all. They want the old Daddee back.

Its a constant push and pull tug o war between them and DH. He won't budge, and the ones that want to talk to him are adjusting, but the ones that need to be the victim or believe BM's lies, those are the ones that are refusing to speak to him. He can only hope they will come around in a few years, but he knows its too late now. Its very sad, but also necessary for them to have a healthy relationship.

tryingjusttrying's picture

I think it depends on what we mean by "know". It's really interesting to me when dh talks about SS to friends and certain members of his family because he'll reveal his true feelings about SS in ways that he doesn't share with me. I think Evil4 has it right that dh probably doesn't want to own up to all of the bad stuff about SS to me so that he doesn't feed into my negativity.

He's told friends that SS is a liar, lazy, and is terrible in school. So dh can acknowledge and describe behaviors that SS does that are problematic, but I still think he's in denial about SS maybe due to hope or the "blind spots" ESMOD mentioned. For dh, bad behaviors are only temporary, and SS wil grow out of it when he becomes more mature. Other variations of this idea: Kids make mistakes and learn from them, you can be imperfect and still be loved, circumstances caused him to make bad choices but he'll grow from them. When SS does get caught doing something wrong, SS is really good at saying the right things that convince dh that SS was the victim and now he knows better, and has learned his lesson. Forget that the lesson has to be repeated multiple times. Dh chalks it up to SS being a slow learner. Rinse, repeat.

I think this is called 'future faking'. I read that narcissists are good at getting everything they want now by making vague promises in the future that they don't truly intend to keep. I wonder if and when dh will hold SS accountable for his actions now instead of holding him to the future, ideal version that never seems to show up.

BanksiaRose's picture

The problem is though that Borderline, Narcissistic and Antisocial personality disorders can only be applied to 18+, because there's always a chance that it's just hard adolescence. So yes, some do "grow out" their shitty behaviours, but those that do not, will have the diagnostic lens applied retrospectively. I.e., the diagnostic formulation will include : "callousness/unstable relationships/criminality present from age 12 (for example), indicating early stages of developing X disorder". 

And that means that we can't treat it as such as it's developing, because "politics" of diagnosing and various state/licensing boards etc., but the person has missed out on necessary help at the biggest crossroads in their lives time and time again. 

Personally disorders are incurable - you can't cure  away someone's disordered personality or give them a personality transplant. They also have a strong genetic component (disordered birth parents), but they can be managed with early intervention. After that developmental opportunity window closes, the horse has already bolted.

 So in those cases where a parent is in denial, they're doing a massive disservice to their child. But denial is a powerful drug. 

The only excuse I'd give these parents is where they are really, genuinely clueless about basic psychopathology and how people tend to develop in general. I.e., the parents that have always worked better with trees/animals/machinery than with people. I also realise that due to my professional background and absence of oxytocin haze, I have an advantage of a bird's eye view of the trajectory. But maybe those clueless parents then need to put more faith in our knowledge of the subject, like we do, when trees/animals/machinery are concerned.

tryingjusttrying's picture

Thanks Banksiarose. That is so insightful. Your post reminds me that indulging negative behaviors and actions are not doing the stepkids any favors. What is SS exactly getting away with? I definitely feel that SS would be better off having parents that checked his anti-social behaviors and set limits on his impulses. So though dh thinks that I'm against SS, if my concerns were addressed, it would actually be more pro SS than either of his parents.

Rags's picture

What is sad is that no matter how much these coddling willfully blind parents polish the turd that their spawn is, that spawn is still shit.  Shiny in the minds of the willfully delusional parent, but shit none the less, shit in reality, and invariably, shit in life.

TrueNorth77's picture

SS18 is a lying liar and DH just admitted that he is but then said "well, I'm not making excuses but I think he does it to please people which is why he's gotten where he is". Sounds like excusing it to me DH. Then I said I think he should be called out on it more and he said "It's too late to do anything about it now", which is exactly what a parent who just wants his son to like him and doesn't want to actually have that conversation with him would say. 

HappyEOW's picture

He knows. Absolutely he knows his spawn are a holes and douche bags. This is why when they started with the character assasination and the alienation, he decided to pick me and stick with me 100%. He doesn't call them or send gifts or nothing. He has completely detached from that vermin. I wish it would have been different but those kids (well, two adults and an older teen) were raised by the most bitter biological mother and they inherited her evil. So, they cannot discern who is good and who is bad like normal people. Whoever is bitter, a thief and a liar falls into good. If you are kind and caring but want peace and order then you are bad. If you fell in love with their father and you and he are happy and thriving, then you are the devil incarnate. At least my husband see what they have done and what they do. Good riddance to those a holes and their disgusting, bitter, rancorous, resentful, nefarious, vile, base, corrupt, vicious, depraved, iniquitous beast of a mother.

notme's picture

i asked him out right when he realised this, 13 years old was his answer, he didnt admit it until she was 40. he said it was when he went to a parents evening and when asked what she want to do with her life she said - have children so she would never have to work.