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Odd “Toddler like” Behavior with DH

Bethmay97's picture

SS13 clingy behavior towards DH is getting worse. Now 80 percent of the time SS13 is over he's glued to the XBOX( thank god! ) The other 20 percent is Literally up DH's ass. Without video games SS13 is Physically unable to entertain himself. SS13 will follow DH around wanting "hugs" and hang on DH when he's standing around or sitting on the couch. If DH is doing something SS13 will get right next to him and make a dog Whining noise to get DH to pay attention to him. So Annoying as if I'm trying to cook in the kitchen with DH SS13 is getting in the way because he needs to be up DH's ass. OMG drop off at BM's is Ridiculous. DH has to hug SS13 before he leaves our house with SS13. Then when he gets to BM's house DH gets out of the car with SS13 to hug him again. Then DH needs to stand outside till SS13 go into BM's house and wave to SS. I won't even get a goodbye when SS lives. 

SS13 does not do this with BM or anyone else. Now BM babies SS13 wicked and would Definitely allow SS13 to do this with her but SS13 does not for some reason. SS13 gets to see DH two days a week and every other weekend so he gets plenty of daddy time. 

Why for the love of god is SS13 like this???


JRI's picture

I dont know why he does it but it would bug me, too.  Feeling empathy for you.  It sounds like DH is ok with it, I suppose if he didnt like it, he would get SS to tone it down.  Is DH just a very affectionate person?  Or is it guilty daditis?

Bethmay97's picture

DH i would say is normal Affection But not over by any means. It's ALL SS13. It's not even like SS13 is a snuggly Cuddly lovable kid. It's more clingy needy demanding daddy attention. 

tog redux's picture

My question is- why does DH allow it?  Perhaps SS is afraid he's going to lose DH and vice versa. If DH is unable to get him to stop by just setting limits and not indulging it, then therapy is in order. 

Whatever is causing it, DH is making it worse by encouraging it. 

Bethmay97's picture

Is the reason I think DH allows this. If SS stopped on his own DH would not try and encourage it. I've  mentioned a number of times how odd this behavior is and DH says he does not want to hurt SS's feeling by saying anything. 

MissJulsie's picture

Has something happened to make SS like this? 
I remember towards the end of my wedding day, my SS started increasing the hugs and clings to DH, like he was going off to war - not a honeymoon. I saw someone's step daughter do that once too, at another wedding. 

Bethmay97's picture

But trouble. DH finally cut ties with this older son and has nothing to do with him. SS13 still sees his older brother so there is a good chance older brother is telling SS13 negitive things about DH. Or maybe SS13 is afraid DH will dump him too so needs constant Reassurance