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New to this step situation

Steps's picture

I no longer feel alone now that I have found this site! I thought I was, I thought I was the only one who had these awful thoughts about my partner's ex, and mother to his 3 boys. Partner lives out of province, and is paying what is required.
I have offered to help with looking after kids so many times, but she will have nothing to do with it. This is after they have been separated 5 years. Partner will ask me to pick up SS12 for hockey, then BM buts in and changes the plans, she will take him. I will still go and watch. I only get to see these kids when partner returns for a visit and I miss them. Sucks...why can't she see that I only want to visit with them....she doesn't even KNOW me!!!! and yet dislikes me...I will say hello when we would drop them off in the past, and she will ignore me....does this happen to anyone else please??????

wickedstepqueen's picture

Sounds like she needs to grow up and accept that you are stepmom.

She sounds very bitter. But whatever that is her problem.

I dont have a relationship with BM and I dont talk to her. She is a mean, vindictive, and bitter woman. She had nothing nice to say about dh.

She tried to keep her kids away from me... but joke was on her because that just gave me much alone time with hubby. The only thing she successfully did was to make herself a full time single martyr ... er I mean mother.

I would just pretend that she doesnt exist.

dragonfly5's picture

He is still her property. That is how most of these crazy BM's are. They are divorced but still want to control their ex's. And they will hurt and manipulate their own children to get what they want.

What you are experiencing is totally normal for most of us. My SO and his ex have been divorced for 5 yrs and she has been remarried for 3yrs. But she tries everything to get what she wants, and to control our home.

My SO refuses to talk to her, he only communicates via text. I am fortunate because he has put her in the smallest box he could. And I have absolutely no communication with her. But she still tries and tries to control us and him.

It has nothing to do with you she is bitter, jealous, and insecure otherwise she wouldn't act the way she does. Don't let it bother you. Most of us will tell you the big happy "ADULT" family idea is just a dream. Most of these BM's have no idea how to behave like an adult.

They are reactive, demanding, and most of the time out of control.

Welcome to our world. I have learned much from this site and continue to grow as a FSM.

liks's picture

I totally agree with dragonfly

wot you gotta do is remind yourself that your partner could have been with anyone and this stupid ex slag would have treated them the same...

BM's may be like this cos they are jealous...that their ex has moved on and got a lovely partner and they havnt....jealous that you look better than them....worried because the law may decide the children are better off with 2 parents i.e. BD and STep mom rather than just her....annoyed she cant call the ex and get him to do things anymore...and she is propably thinking ahead at the horror of the ex may have another 3 children with you and then...she wont be called golden uterus anymore...and she is hopeful that you and the ex will fight as much as she did and that you both break up....and of course you would be a slut....cos her ex wouldnt be with a real women....she is the only real women that your partner eva had...

She propably thinks that you and her ex were at it whilst she was still married ova 5 years ago...

good...hope she loosers sleep over her bitterness and that it makes her look as ugly as she is...

hold your head up and laugh it her....just make sure your partners on your team and not hers....