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need a break

doglover1's picture

its been 5 plus weeks now, we have had Sd8. MY soon to be SIL has been watching her during the day , with her son (also Dirol so when i get home from work..BF and I have her kid and his. This has been everyday and every nite. She gets a break just about every nite and we dont. But Im dealing with it and we have 1 week to go. Im so fried..cant wait to have a few days kid free...I have made it this far without totally pissing off any one, but im close to a total freak out! Sd mom gets out of rehab next monday! Hurray..please take your kid ..even if its only a day or two! Just need a couple of days to rest and recharge.

thank God for this site!

GestaltMediationLLC's picture

Can you and dad hire a sitter and have a nice date this weekend? heck take a vacation day tomorrow and you and him play hooky and stay home where it's quiet all day. Good Luck!

doglover1's picture

Id go nuts without a break.....we have ss13 all the time (different moms) but he is a total joy to have around. But sd is high maintenence. I just found out last nite she is getting out early..TODAY!! she is gonna pick up sd tonight for a few days....yippee! Im going for a late nite swim......ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!