Need Advice!
My fiance has recently got a job up north. His ex (psycho from hell) just called last night and left a message saying that she's coming to town TODAY! They moved 5 hours away about 8 months ago (best thing to happen to me in a while). Well, my fiance is at work for the next 3 weeks and he wants me to watch his 2 boys (ages 10 & 12) for whatever his ex says!!!! Ummmm.... shouldn't they be coming here to stay with their DAD?!?! I work 3 jobs and just recently started one of them, so I do not have time to be watching 2 kids on top of everything!!! He gets mad at me when I don't watch them, but this is ridiculous!! I am not watching them for a week while he's not even here to see them! I don't care how mad he gets. Also, I am a little resentful towards the SS's because my fiance has told me that he doesn't want to have any more kids because they cost to much and he can't risk me leaving him and putting a CS order on him. I do not have any biological children of my own, but my clock has started going into baby mode (I'm 29) and it's driving me CRAZY! I want to have my own child so bad! He thinks that I should be happy watching his 2 boys, but I'm not! I can't help it. I don't treat them bad (because I know it's not their fault), but this really annoys me and I can't stop thinking about it! I just don't think that it's fair that he expects me to watch his boys while he's not even here!!! And to top it all off, I'm sick His ex comes down here to party even though the kids have school this week!!! So, even if I was to watch them, they would be here ALL DAY, ALL WEEK!!! Please let me know what you think. I feel like I'm in the wrong (from what he tells me), but I'm NOT a babysitter for these kids!!!!
Well, right now I'm hiding in
Well, right now I'm hiding in my house awaiting their arrival! Sad, I know... He hasn't told her that he went up north to work, because she is a gold digger. I can't tell her that he's away at work because that's between the two of them. I'm not getting involved. She lied to child maintenance about him not paying for SEVEN YEARS of CS (even though he has PAGES of her signatures saying that she received the money). When he showed the courts that he was paying, they would say that he needs to show it to child maintenance, when he took them to child maintenance they said that signatures didn't count as proof and only money orders did. So he had to pay for SEVEN years of "back payments" THAT HE ALREADY PAID!!!! I hate her so much! I don't even talk to her, because I will not be able to bite my tongue. So, I can't answer the door and tell her I can't take them because I work and that my fiance is up north working, because she'll just want MORE MONEY! And we are BROKE! It's pathetic that we have to work as much as we do, just to keep our heads above water, and she sits on government assistance and lives it up! She's remarried and moved away so that her husband could hide from child maintenance for his 2 kids. Talk about double standards! I'm so fed up! I love my fiance so much, but I really can't stand his ex! She is so vindictive. I just don't know what to do. Sometimes I just wish she would get hit by a bus!
Tell your DH you are not the
Tell your DH you are not the babysitter, you have to work yourself. Let him deal w BM. Do not take the kids if she appears with them.
Child support should always be paid thru the courts for exactly this reason. Sorry since it is done, but live and learn I guess.
P.s. if I were 29 again, I would find someone who does want a child with you honey. I waited too late and have none, it is wrong what he is telling you to accept. Hugs dear
I know! Life is one big
I know! Life is one big lesson! I've always been one to learn the hard way
I just see all of my friends having children and it's starting to drive me crazy!!! Everywhere I look! Especially on facebook! Everytime I see someone announcing their new bundle of joy, I get jealous instead of happy for them. It's horrible. I don't like the way it's making me feel. So, you don't think that 29 is too old to start having kids? I just feel like I'm waiting too long! And, it's not like I will start having kids right-this-second anyways. It will probably be more around the age of 34ish (just I guess, I really don't know), but I feel like I'm going to miss out! He says that he'll have kids with me if I really want to, but he sounds bitter when he says it (like he'll just resent me in the end). And I know that I will resent him for not having any (I already do).
P.S. I love your quote at the end of your message by Edith Wharton! I have 2 little heartbeats at me feet
I feel for you sweetie. I
I feel for you sweetie. I really do. It sounds to me like you and your fiance are not on the same page. You want kids and he doesn't. That sounds like a deal breaker to me! How important is it to you to have children? Think long and hard about this before you get married! If being a mom (not step mom) is in your heart...will you resent him in the end? You are going to hate me for saying this, but you are only 29! There are other fish in the sea and you are plenty young enough to catch one that is more fit for you.
As for babysitting, I don't blame you for saying no. In fact, my husband is in charge of finding a babysitter for SD if he is not going to be home. Sometimes he can't find one so I will have to step up, but he must at least try. This will be the rest of your life if you marry this man!! Please think about it!! IMHO (and I am a real bitch...not typical of my gender), a man coming in with that much baggage better damn well make sure he is worth it!!! I am starting to learn that no man is worth the drama!! That is just coming from my bad experience, poor attitude and shit for luck. Be honest, open and clear with him from the very beginning and it is possible. I just feel that if you stay with him, you will end up compromising your own happiness for someone that (seems) marginally worth it.
Ditto on the last
Ditto on the last gets worse over time too!
It gets WORSE than this? I
It gets WORSE than this? I can't even imagine! I thought it was already as bad as it could get! It's been 7.5 years now and yeah... it's not getting any better!
As the child gets older and
As the child gets older and the needs get more expensive, it's likely she will gold dig for as much as possible. If it's not CS, it's other stuff. It's harder when BM has put her self in her own stupid situation. My situation is different, but it's just getting worse and worse. I count down the days till the kid is 18. Until then, we will be poor because DH didn't choose wisely who he reproduced with.
I know! I probably wouldn't
I know! I probably wouldn't hate her (as much) if she didn't do that to us! She flat out LIED, under oath, saying that she never received a cent in 7 years (even though she was at our house EVERY month to get "her money"). I just can't believe that someone would do that! I'm not against a dad supporting his children, but she's taken it too far! I really don't have ANY communication with her, because I know I will loose it on her! She was even going to give the children to my FDH years ago and said "I would, but I can't afford it"! She has these kids for money!!! She had twins before my fiance had 2 kids with her that got taken away in exchange for life long AISH (aid for the severely handicapped - apparently she suffer's from FAS) even though she functions fine! I just hate how our system enables people to make a living off of having kids.
I know!!! That's exactly how
I know!!! That's exactly how I feel
On the other hand, I feel that I've been with him for 7.5 years and I've invested so much into this relationship. He makes me feel like I'M the one being selfish! I just don't want to be alone I guess. I don't know what I'm thinking anymore! All I know is I'm getting VERY sick of it! I'm putting my foot down this time and I'm not watching the kids. We'll see how that goes. It makes absolutely no sense to me since he's not even going to be here to see them. I'm not HER babysitter! I wouldn't mind (as much) if he was working in town and I had the day off and watched them so that he could see them when he got off work, but since he's not even around, I'm not going to watch them for a WEEK!
Lol! Thanks That Dr.Phil
Lol! Thanks
That Dr.Phil comment put a BIG smile on my face!
And, I'm not answering the door. I really don't care. She never lets us know ahead of time of when she's coming (well, she did call at 10:30 last night to let us know she'd be here TODAY). She just thinks that we can drop what we're doing and take the kids whenever it's convenient for her. NEWS FLASH!!! It's not going to happen with me. I'm not a door mat! She's going to be PISSED when I don't answer the door and I'm honestly looking forward to it! Maybe it will put her in her place and make her realize that she can't just come here whenever she wants and expect us (well, me) to take care of her kids for a week. Jeesh! And to top it off, the kids have school this week! She's a horrible mother!
You are so not wrong for
You are so not wrong for feeling the way you do. It's ridiculous of your husband and/or his ex to expect you to watch the kids for them. You're not a nanny. I am concerned though about you marrying someone who says he doesn't want children because he's afraid you two will divorce and he'll have to pay for cs. You're young and if you want children of your own then you every right to become a mother. That being said, I'm sure you love him very much and want to be with him so I truly hope he changes his mind about you two having children of your own.
My DH often makes me feel like I'm wrong about things too. I think it's just how he tries to win an argument. He turns it all around on me. You have every right to say no to watching his kids while his ex parties and he's working. You have 3 jobs and that alone should be enough for him to make other arrangements.
Stay well hidden and do not
Stay well hidden and do not answer the door. That will solve today's problem. Don't answer the phone either.
As for the 7.5 years you have invested, well if you do not make a move now it will be 17.5 years and your hopes of having children will be gone forever. This man has had his children, you have not. I think sooner or later this is going to get to you and you will leave anyway. So, why not now. My daughter is 36 and having her third child, she was 32 when she had her first, all are well and healthy, but she is married to a man who wants children, you are not. So, you may find yourself still childless in your 30's.
Relationships are about compromise, and trust. Your BF says he cannot afford to have a child with you and then you take him for CS. Doesn't show much trust does it. After 7.5 years he thinks you cannot be trusted, and you will not always be around. His thinking is very different from yours.
I have found out something fairly recently and I am almost 60 - sometimes there are people in your life that cannot, or will not change. Right or Wrong it is their way or no way. Now, if this is what you want in your life, beautiful, invest more time with someone who has trust issues, 2 kids that he dumps on you, and refuses to have children with you, therefore denying you the chance of ever carrying, giving birth to, and holding your very own beautiful baby. I learnt that my DH is a very selfish man, who wants everything to be his way, and now I have decided to look after ME first and him second. You see, for all the years we have been together I have always put him first. Now, I really didn't get any thanks for that, and worse still he allowed his kids to tread me like a piece of dog poo they had stepped in.
I don't know your BF, but the idea of him getting mad because you don't want to mind his kids and work three jobs, so he and their mother don't have to put themselves out, sounds very much my husband's attitude to me when I didn't do things his way.
I have three grown children of my own, and I am now in the process of looking after me and making plans for my future, with or without him. May I respectively suggest you give this relationship some very serious thought. Right now you are only 29, from my end of things, nothing more than a baby. Pretty soon in 2.5 years actually, you will have invested 10 years in this relationship. Do you see yourself getting anything YOU WANT out of it. I wish you all the best. Please really think this over not in terms of years invested, but in terms of what you want out of life. At 29 the world is still your oyster. I didn't wake up until 6 months ago, and as I said I will be 60 this year. Do not see 60 just around the corner, find yourself childless (and I assure his kids will not look after you in your old age), and think I wish I had listened to the people who said leave and have your family with a man who wants children. Good Luck Hon. Sorry you find yourself in this position.
Annoyed1, I didn't want to
Annoyed1, I didn't want to say what tough as nails has just said, because I am twice her age and you would just think "what do I know, I wouldn't understand"
But now that she has said it,I will add this.....She is 100% right.
Lol!!! Believe it or not, I
Lol!!! Believe it or not, I do heed the advice of those that have more experience then me... I am an older sister (only 3 years older, but still older) and sometimes I could just ring her neck for not listening to me on things that I've experienced and want her to avoid. I really appreciate all of the posts. This website is amazing and is making me realize that I can still spread my wings and fly! Thank you so much for all of your responses. I really appreciate it. The advice is not falling on deaf ears... believe me!
when fdh and i were
when fdh and i were discussing having a baby, he told me he didn't want any more kids (he only had sd) and that he didn't want to have a baby and make sd feel more left out than she already did. i came unglued. i told him that it is not MY fault that he and bm aren't together. it is not MY fault that he only has her eowe (i say "only" very lightly, as those weekends were far too frequent for my liking). i told him i would not have a 14 year old kid deciding if i could have another baby or not. i let him know that if we wanted different things out of life, there was no point in being together, and that i was NOT giving up my dream of having another child for him. i told him i had given up enough for other people in my life, and a baby was something i was not budging on. a year later i was pregnant for bs3. }:) so i won that fight!
don't give up your dreams for anyone else. how would you feel if you and dh split up in the future, with you having had no kids, and being past childbearing age or some other reason for not being able to have kids anymore? no man is worth giving up your dreams for. he got to have kids and you don't get a say in it. don't let him dictate this huge life decision for you.
Actually, I didn't get talked
Actually, I didn't get talked into it. It ended in a big argument between me and my... well, not ex, yet, but will be soon enough.
Well, I talked to him last
Well, I talked to him last night and told him that his ex said that she was dropping off the kids today. He acted like I was going to take them. I told him that I'm NOT their nanny and that if he was HERE to see them that I would HELP him out (and by help, I mean watch them for maybe a couple of hours though out the WEEK... not for a week straight), but since he's not even here, that I don't see how it's MY responsibility to watch the kids so she can party. I wasn't there when they made them and now they can deal with raising them. NOT me! He got really mad and starting saying things like I don't help him... um... help YOU?!?!?! How the hell is watching your kids while you are away helping YOU?!?!?!? Oh, that's right, because everytime your ex says "jump", you say "how high?". Well, I'm not your ex's bitch! It's not even his week to take them!!! She just decided that she wanted to pull the boys out of school to come here and annoy me! Ugh! So, anyways, I got mad at what he was saying to me and hung up on him and blocked his number from calling the house!! Yup, I did that
GOOD GIRL, well done, I'm
YOU TOTALLY ROCK!!!!! Good on you girl!
So did fdh think that the
So did fdh think that the kids wouldn't mention to bm that they didn't see him at all that week? He doesn't want to tell her that he's working out of town, but she's obviously going to figure it out as soon as she picks her kids back up. Pretty sure her first question as she's pulling out of your driveway would have been "so what did you and dad do this week?"
Exactly!!! That's why I
Exactly!!! That's why I didn't get the phone when she called. It's not my job to tell her what my BF is up to, it's HIS! I let their business be their business (unless it involves me). And as for her wondering what the kids did with their dad... she honestly wouldn't care who they spent their week with as long as she could drop them off and party! It wasn't even scheduled for him to take them this week! She thinks because she doesn't work, that everyone can work around HER schedule (including the kids missing school). It's ridiculous! She's in for a rude awakening! Wow... we'll see how this ends up, but I'm not here for her to walk all over. I have my own life.
Thanks I'm pretty proud of
I'm pretty proud of myself too!! I've been feeling a little guilty and I don't know why, but I'm standing my ground because if I don't I will be walked all over and I'm not about to let that happen. As for my avatar... I was looking for lips on an ass (as in his ex can kiss my ass), but came across this one and I like it too! If my bf or his ex don't like what I say or do they can BOTH kiss it! LOL!
There is no law stating that
There is no law stating that you have to answer your door. Screw 'em.
Even if there was... I
Even if there was... I probably still wouldn't answer the door! }:)
You have no obligation to
You have no obligation to watch your fiance's children. If you don't want to, you don't have to. It is up to your fiance and his ex to figure out what they're going to do with their kids.
If he has told you point blank that he doesn't want anymore children, and you desperately want a child of your own I would rethink your situation. If my DH wouldn't have wanted anymore children, it would've been a deal breaker for me. That's not something I was willing to compromise on.
Yeah, soon2bestepmum this guy
Yeah, soon2bestepmum this guy has some hide. Still, I think she is smart enough and strong enough to work it out. Pretty soon he and BM will HAVE to mind their own kids, because I think this little chicken has suddenly had her eyes opened and is strong enough to go it on her own. Not that he will miss her eh, because as he said, she doesn't help him anyway. Good Lord these guys have a hard neck don't they.