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My turn!- Predictions for this weekend

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Ok, so Labor Day weekend bm threw a huge fit because she didn't realize dh got to keep ss an extra day. She had been calling ss who had his cell phone off and left all these messages for dh. Dh sent her one text explaining his rights and didn't play into her games anymore that day. She was yelling messages threatening to call the cops, yadda yadda. (never happened). Anyway, she also said she was going to take him to court because they needed to figure out what they were going to do in October when ss has school basketball games on Saturdays. (side note- in mediation this spring, dh tried to figure these situations out beforehand but bm wanted no part in it.) Of course we knew she was bs'ing about going to court for that. But we still needed to figure out what to do when bball starts.

So here it is, almost October. Games start Saturday. Dh is totally trying to stick with the CO schedule & is trying not to deviate, but since this is a required school function we know dh will have to accommodate. Btw, we live 2 hours away from ss. So, we decided if ss has games on sat, then dh will just pick him up after morning games. So last week dh emails he coach for a schedule. The coach said he didn't know ss was interested in joining the team!! Dh has been tryin to call/txt ss but ss hasn't responded. So as of today (Tuesday) we still don't know if ss is playing. We kind of think bm was jut saying that so ss wouldn't have to visit and didn't think dh would double-check since he never used to. So right now we are trying to figure out what will happen come Friday. What do you guys think?

Will bm call last minute to change the schedule? will this be a skid free weekend after all? Will ss be at the normal pickup place on time? Will ss really play after all? do you think ss really has games or did bm make that up? Anyone want to play? Wink

JustAnotherSM's picture

I'll play. BM will have SS call DH to cancel visitation due to "basketball". DH will inform SS that he checked with the coach for the schedule and found out that SS isn't on the team. BM will grab the phone, scream at DH and quickly try to come up with another excuse for not allowing SS to spend time with DH before she hangs up. (Sorry, this may be a bit of projection from the time when my SS was young and BM would make SS call and lie to DH about why he couldn't visit.)

Tx mommy of 3's picture

Oh, and I forgot to mention that ss doesn't like coming to visit and in the past bm got away with her excuses. We live in Tx and football is big. So during footbll season bm and ss go to all the varsity games. So far ss has had to miss some games (he's only 12, so he's not playing!) because of visitation. Years ago dh would allow ss to go to these games but bm wouldn't keep her promise of bringing him 'after the game' and ss would miss his visit. Dh wised up. So we suspect that bm is just trying to get ss out of coming Friday nights so that he can go to these games. And dh emailed the coach again today so hopefully we'll get confirmation either way if ss is playing. It has been a week since dh has heard from ss too.