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more v-day crap

doglover1's picture

Well BM has a new BF. Usually every couple of months some one new (or old HeHe). She is supposed to get SD every other weekend. But as it stands she and DH go by when ever SD8 wants to go and whenever BM wants to have her. NIce. Anyway Im sure next weekend she will not want to take her cus its V-day and she wants to be alone with her new BF...I could Puke. :sick: :sick:

Hope her BF gets her tons of chocolate and she gets an even fatter butt!

doglover1's picture

I like the girhippo name. I need to find one for our is what I got to go on.

Really really bad teeth.

Hair that is dyed way to red and way way to short for her ugly puss.

extremely stupid.

extremely self-centered.


Got any suggestions?

doglover1's picture

thats it. Amazingly it does look alot like her, without the red hair.

The Principlist's picture

Don't let her get to you. She will get hers in the end, they always do.

Plan a nice quiet evening with you, DH and the SD for V-Day Weekend.

THEN on another night before or after the actual holiday, plan an intimate special something just for the two of you. Me personally, I do not like to go out to restaurants or anything on the ACTUAL holiday because they are over crowded and the waits are forever. Just doesn't seem worth it to me. So, I wouldn't let her get to me.

We deal with a BM similar to that but ours does not have a BF. That is why she drives us nuts. I wish I could set her up with someone, but I don't have any people that I HATE to do that too. Smile Our BM has decided that she is not sure that she is going to continue to visit with the kids because she doesn't want to be a babysitter for DH and I. 1 - It isn't babysitting when they are your kids. 2 - The kids are 12 and 13. 3 - She hurts no one but them. 4 - She thinks by not getting the kids that she is interfering with DH and my plans when in actuality we still get our alone time in. DH works nights and I do not work a FT job. Kids are in school during the day. So in actuality we have ALL day to chase each other around the house and be naughty and still be ready to parent the kids when they come in. We plan Friday as Family Day. DH is off on Friday's and Saturdays when he doesn't work OT. So on Friday we make it a point to do something with the kids as a Family be that dinner and a movie or arcade or whatever. If BM choses to get them fine and if she doesn't, well that's fine too. We no longer expect her to do anything and we act as though she doesn't exist. This has done wonders for our family and our relationship in that I am no longer upset because she is always thinking of a way to interrupt our plans. I know we shouldn't have to, but what choice do we have. We can't make BM parent or visit with the kids so we control what we can.

Plan your special day and time outside of her foolishness. THAT my friend will get to her, that she can't stop you guys from loving life with one another. Oh, that and the fact that she is getting one day and you are getting a lifetime. Hmmmmm. BF for FEb 14 and alone the other 364 days or miss Feb 14 and spend the rest of your life with the man of your dreams? Hmmmmmm. Now tell me WHO really got the better deal?

People who get on HIGH Horses will find the fall to be painful. ~ME :->

doglover1's picture

I know that she does what she does because she is selfish for the most part. She doesnt really want to spend much time with her daughter, which is sad.

We usually do not go out for dinner on Vday. Well I suppose its because we have always had SD on that day. It would just be nice to be alone. Anyway we do get time to ourselves so its not to bad. Just would like to run BM over with my car every now and then. ( i really should not say things like that...ya never know) I read on the news today that some woman got 9 years in prison for looking for a hit man on craigs list to kill her BF's wife!!!!!!!!!! what an idiot!

doglover1's picture

Crayon you kill me with this stuff. Love the way you think! Very funny stuff! Gotta share this with my DH, he too should find the likeness shocking.

sarahbernheart's picture

FH ex has hair like bozo and she does make me laugh ...
so that is what FH calls here when he talks about her which is very rare.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."