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Im gonna barf

doglover1's picture

if I hear DADDDDDDDDDDDDDDD one more time. THe constant whining of sd8 is really getting to me. She doesnt speak, she whines. Well I have been dealing with it for years and I look forward to when she goes to her moms for the short break. Her mom is supposed to take her for a 4 day rotation. Well BM usually bags out alot. Now BM tells us we can have full custody. She doesnt want her anymore. Which is better for SD8 cus her mom started using drugs again. But not to great for me cus now i never get a break. Unless im at work or out. I gotta find a babysitter quick!! SD is really not too bad of a kid, but im just not used to this arrangement. yet. THink Im gonna need this site more than ever now.

disgusted's picture

Sounds like the step brat when I came into the picture. She was four years old and didn't talk or ask...She whinned for anything and everything and she always has this look on her face as if she was on the verge of a melt down..It was the face of "if you don't say yes or give me what I want I am going to have a fit".
It worked with DH and his family who would rush to aid "princess" because heave forbid she should cry!!

I would just tell her straight up..I'm sorry but I cant hear you when your whinning. I wasn't mean or anything just very casual and to the point about it..She eventually figured out that she wasn't going to get anything or anywhere whinning with me. I would just ignore it after telling her I couldn't hear her..WHen she changed her tone and asked normally then i would respond to her. It worked like a charm.

Don't cater to whinning..It only makes it worse.

In a perfect world their would be retroactive abortion capabilities. ~ disgusted

Rags's picture

Pick her up and dump her on her butt in a room in the house away from you. And tell her she can come out when she stops whining. If she whines again, dump her butt in another room again.

Just my thoughts of course.