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never ending

doglover1's picture

Well just when i thought things were settling down in my life, more madness from the BM. Currently we have full custody of SD8 and BM has her EOW. Well that hardly happens cus BM is a drug addict and a self centered POS. ANyway she hasnt talked toor seen her daughter in about 3-4 weeks now. OK whatever. Things at home are ok..other than the fact that i seriously need a break and am looking for a babysitter.

Yesterday a friend of my husbands knows his ex and got some inside info on her. Turns out she is trying to prove herself medically (whatever) depressed so that she can get social security checks and stay home and party all the time. SHe also revealed to this person that she wants nothing to do with her daughter because it interfers with her life.

THis makes me sick. My H does not want his daughter to be able to spend the nites with her anymore because she can not be trusted to take care of her. Not that he has anything to worry about cus the BM really doesnt want her anyway.

It just has me so upset that a mother would do this. ANd what about SD? It cant be good for her to never see her mom.

And lastly...I gotta find a sitter or im gonna lose my mind. Its been 4 weeks and no break.

thanks for letting me share that.

now4teens's picture

Anyone to even give you a couple of hours of peace to yourself on a weekend so you can just get away to think???

I know this is a totally horrible thing for a mother to do to her child. It's the depths of selfishness. Welcome to the club.
The only reason our BM even bothers with her girls is because she's getting paid BIG BUCKS to finance her lifestyle (never mind that she doesn't use the money on the girls). But if she was cut-off, she wouldn't even bother with them at that point.

So no, I'm not surprised one bit by your SDs mother's selfish and awful behavior.

"Of course things worked out nicely for Carol Brady...she had a live-in maid and Mike's first wife was DEAD!"

melis070179's picture

Is she involved in any sprts or activities that might occupy her for an afternoon? Any friends to spend the nightwith on a weekend? Sorry you have to deal with a loser BM...that seems to be the theme around here!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

doglover1's picture

I thought i would post a note at church and ask around for babysitters. We have relatives that live close, but most of them are kinda old and really it would be too much for them. My family lives out of town and my H's family is small. He has two sisters, one works all weekend ( i usually watch her kid) and the other has a small baby and two other kids so her has her hands full. Sd has friends in the neighborhood but they never invite her for sleep overs. Usually (always) its us that has the sleepovers.

As far as activities, she really isnt to interested in that. Last year we signed her up for baseball, she went to a few practices , but they were only 1 hour long. My best bet is to find a sitter. Thanks for your input.

Yes the BM is a piece of crapola. Now she wont even answer her phone. SD finally asked H yesterday when she is going to see her mom. GREAT..we dont even know what to say to her.