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I'm overwhelemed

Ijessie87's picture

I met this girl, I fell in love, she had a kid... 2 years later I'm completely ignored, a 3 year old consumes it all, every wakeing moment. For 2 years ive been trying to get her to raise this kid instead of sticking him in front of television - yet she loads him up on juice, she refuses to put him down for a nap so he gets cranky and whiney all the way untill bedtime. I havnt gotten laid in over 4 months and these stupid F-ing kids songs all the time on tv are driving me insane. 

Ive tried communicating all this to her, and she just starts yelling and shuts down any kind of constructive dialouge. Ive tried being patient, ive tried putting up with this, but frankly i just dont know what to do anymore.

I'm the one who potty trained him, Im the one who taught him how to dress himself, I'm the reason he likes oatmeal.... And she acts like i'm a complete stranger and completely irrelevant. at the same time it's like she deliberatly wants to raise a spoiled brat no one can stand to be around. He can barely talk yet hes become this demanding, selfish little piss i really wouldnt mind smacking accross the room - yet i actually normally love kids. 

So i'm just thinking, I cant work with her on anything. I dont want to leave her, but thats kinda where i'm leaning. 

2Tired4Drama's picture

What in the world makes you want to STAY?  You have no relationship here.  And please don't come back and tell us all how much you "love" this woman.   She obviously is not in love with YOU - maybe your income or some other tangible reason.  But she is not interested in you as a human being and as a partner, otherwise she'd be willing to at least listen and work on her parenting.  



ndc's picture

Based on what you've written, you're nuts if you stay.  It doesn't sound like any of your needs are being met.  If she won't work with you, you're just wasting your time.  

momjeans's picture

Sounds like Lil Juiceface Libido Killah is going to ruin your relationship with Mom. Look at him and imagine how it’ll be in 10 years. You might find the answer in what you want to do - there. 

amyburemt's picture

Relationships are a 2 way street and I think you have to decide wether or not it's become only a one way street. If she's unwilling to help come up with solutions to issues(even if you both don't always agree) then she's checked out of the relationship already.