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I'm old, and this is a new generation I just can't understand.

godess-clueless's picture

Today is Fathers Day, While on facebook I checked on some of the stepchildren and grow step grandchildren's facebook. No cards or phone calls but much of that is handled through contact ob facebook these days.

Shocked to find step granddaughter posting that she had told her mom she wanted a picture of herself, her mom and her dad. Sgd 's dad was out of the picture by 2 years old. That was 20 years ago. Her mom has had 3 other children since and is presently with the father of those children. Once again she is commenting about this.

Replies to this from several friends were that they also had made the same requests of their parents and been told no or the request ignored. Some mentioned that there was no recallection of mom and dad even being together.

I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone.

Dizzy's picture

I'm not sure what the problem is? So some kids want pics of them with their bio parents together, even though they have absentee fathers? That's what I gather from your post. I think every person who doesn't have a closed family unit longs in one way or another for connection to the absent elements. I know I did.

godess-clueless's picture

I don't think I made myself clear in my post. The sgd wants her mom to get a picture made of her mom, dad and her at this point in time. She sees her dad and his other family. Just seemed a strange request to expect people who have parted ways many years ago and have moved on with several other relatioships and children.

Having pictures with mom....fine
Having pictures with dad....fine
Expecting the parents to each leave their spouses and the half siblings behind while getting together for a photo shoot seems a bit much.

hereiam's picture

Pictures that include both parents at events like graduations or weddings is one thing. Expecting divorced parents to schedule and get together for a photo shoot with the exes is just weird.

godess-clueless's picture

Thanks everyone for the opinions and comments. I found the idea a bit shocking, perhaps it is the generational difference. For myself, I would find it distasteful for dh to prance off to some designated place for a photographer to take pictures of him, the ex and his 4 daughters ( all in their 40's ) His girls were all pre school age when the marriage ended.

It is his own daughter who is refusing to comply with this kind of request from her own daughter. So she finds this not to be agreeable. The younger 20ish generation seemed to feel hurt that their requests were not considered acceptable. I was surprised at the range of opinions on this.

SweetMom's picture

I can understand if someone wants a photo of bio mom and dad for a genealogy book to pass down to their kids but how dare them to disrespect the new family members for social media. Sounds disrespectful. I see friend that past away and his kids post pictures of their mom and their dad. He remarried and left a widow. They erased that step mom. It's crazy.