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I was a total c*nt to BM just now…oops but not really

Maxwell09's picture

So BM came to pick up SS3 today and was attacking DH about why she wasn't included in the Meet&Greet for Prek3 today which would be understandable if she didn't make it a point to tell Dh that she didn't want any part in Prek3 since we brought it up to her two whole months ago. It doesn't effect her time really so once she said she didn't want to participate DH filled out the paperwork and went on his way doing the rest of the prep work to send SS. She then uninvited us to go to the Orientation on Sunday because there was no need to go. Well obviously DH has a problem because for 1 she chose not to be apart of it and 2 she can't just bust in and unite DH, its a public place!. So then the arguments went on to me and how I am making SS call me mom which is completely bullshit because he has a name for me and it is nothing in the mom range AT ALL! So about 5 minutes of them arguing while Im at BMs car trying to keep SS3 calm and to stop being upset for the fighting. But when she started talking shit about me and sideways talking to me I came around the car and go into myself. I asked her what she thought happens at our house and why she thought any of the things she "heard" I was saying was true. I told her that the same people that were telling her all these things about me were the same people that were telling me stories about her and her new baby daddy. I think after the fighting of about 3 minutes we started talking and then it escalated back to yelling when she told me to shut up because she didn't want me to tell her the truth about my own work schedule that she thought she knew more about. She said she was talking DH and that I needed to shut (sure) but I told her that she wasn't listening, she was just bitching and trying to arguing and that she was making DH late for work. My house, my bills are more of a priority than arguing with her so I was going to wrap all this up for them. She's not included because she's a cunt and when we do include her she is a bitch and difficult the whole time she is there. I told her that since she wasn't listening to us or trying solve anything then she needs to go be the mom she pretends to be and get in her car and leave since her kid has been crying for the last 10 minutes while she's busy trying to threaten and fight me. I am not a victim in this, I am just as much in the wrong as she and DH are for all the argument but Im way past the point of caring anymore. I tried being nice, I tried being mean LITERALLY NOTHING WORKS WITH THIS CRAZY. Owell I said what I had to say to her and I am going back to my netflix. She keeps threatening to take DH back to court, well she better go ahead and do and just stop bitching about it already.

Orange County Ca's picture

You should not be talking to her via any method, telephone, face to face, etc., and you should not be anywhere nearby when the kid is transferred even if it means dropping you off at McDonalds for a coffee while he does the deed.

Maxwell09's picture

She was in my driveway at my home and wouldn't leave. She insisted on having this discussion and brought me into it with her sideways yelling towards me during her conversation to DH.

But I most definitely understand that I should have just let her scream and holler and gone inside. Me telling her off did absolutely nothing.

Anon2009's picture

Have dh get it in the court order that future exchanges will be at the police station. Or some public place with surveillance cameras. Then, you need to not go to these exchanges. You need to not ever talk to bm. Ever.

You also need to see if dh can get it in the court order that all future communication will be done via our family wizard or text messages (in emergencies).

Maxwell09's picture

I actually told DH that I wanted them to start using Our Family Wizard instead of texting since every text turns into fighting. I would even settle for them just emailing. Before we went to court they were meeting in a public place in town because of her aggressiveness but for some reason our Attorney put in the order that she had to pick up and drop off at our house; I don't know why she did that but I never said anything since it gave DH a little more time to visit with SS since he didn't have to load him up and drive him anywhere.

And I do plan on going back to being out of sight again. She clearly has issues with me and that is why she keeps all this up and the only way to keep her from attacking/provoking me is for me to not be around it all.