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O/T Replacement Pets

Maxwell09's picture

Thursday was my 24th birthday and it was absolutely terrible. My little furbaby was ran over before we could finish our breakfast and be on our way to school. I was heart broke and devastated. Heck I still am really upset about him being gone. He was my little sidekick, he followed me everywhere I went and he never let me out of his sight. Losing him has really put me into a funk especially since I am pregnant and all hormonal. I just have waves of crying about this and then I feel silly because he was dog.

Anyway, I got this dog when he was really little and when SS was a baby. They grew up crawling around the floor together and have been inseparable ever since. They would spend hours chasing each other around the house playing or in the yard hiding for each other. And now he is gone and SS just doesn't understand; all he knows is that he wants his best friend back. We've tried explaining to him that he died, we buried him, he's an angel now (Thank you Pope Francis for announcing that dogs go to heaven last week) but he still just doesn't accept it. DH wants to go get him another dog to help him move on, but not only do we not have the money for another 500$ dog, I'm not ready for another puppy. I don't want to be pregnant and potty training a dog and then training a dog to behave around a newborn when I do have my baby. Puppies take a lot of commitment and work.

How long is normal before getting another pet?

furkidsforme's picture

Not until you are done grieving. Don't rush it. Also, not until you put a fence and fix your yard so the new puppy is safe.

I'm so sorry about your dog. Pets truly are family members, and you should not feel foolish for crying over "just a dog". I love my dogs more than most people I know. I can assure you I love them more than my SKids!

Maxwell09's picture

THIS was the biggest reason I could come up with when trying to talk DH out of getting another dog so quickly. I really feel like it would show crappy pet ownership on our part if we got another dog before putting up a fenced in yard for him to stay safe in. Ive been told that the kid might have done it on purpose but I don't know a human being who would kill a dog on purpose, Id rather just take my portion of the blame by not keeping my eyes on him like usual and put up a fence if we get another just so there won't be another repeat.

Rags's picture

My condolences on the loss of your family member. Losing a loved pet is never easy and I am sure it is only worse with the pregnancy.

No need for another puppy. Hit the shelter and find an adult dog who needs a home and a family.

We had to put our parrot Max who ruled out family for 15 years up for adoption when we moved internationally 4 years ago. I just could not stomach spending $8K for shipping plus $1000/mo for boarding during quaranteen so ship a rescue bird internationally. With the whole Bird Flu thing the cost of relocating a feathered family member internationally is a knee bender. Max now lives with the family of a major University women's athletics director in a home with two early teens and another rescue parrot. No doubt Max is one happy rat with wings. But .... I feel very guilty for abandoning him and we miss him amazingly.

Congratulations on the baby.

Merry Christmas.

Maxwell09's picture

Thank you!

DH had the animal shelter website pulled up on Sunday looking at some of the animals they've posted. So when we do go that route, getting one from there is our first option.

ltman's picture

Why not save a life and get a rescue dog? You can go to breed specific rescues if there is a favorite type of dog. It will be less expensive and the basics (spay/neuter,vaccines) are usually covered.

But take your time. I'm so sorry for your loss.

jumanji's picture

It's different for everyone, as well as with each loss. And it is never a replacement. Given your circumstances, I'd advise getting a dog who is a bit older, past potty training.
lots of choices.But be aware that most shelters/rescues will want all of you there to meet the dog.


We had the dog first, he's 2 and a rescue. Once the baby came it got so much harder because of the jealousy of the dog. I would wait for a bit. I would tell DH that your family is going to change and therefore it would make more sense for you to wait until you all have settled.

Sorry about the doggie. It's sad and I'm sure SS is sad but he does need to learn to grieve.

Maxwell09's picture

Thanks everyone for the condolences. I plan on side lining DH when he brings up the dog thing. I think with Christmas coming up, it might keep SS3's mind off of missing him. DH was looking up animals at the animal shelter page on Sunday. Luckily they were closed so we didn't go look in person. I really think y'all are right that waiting is the best option for everyone: me, SS3 and the new puppy. Waiting will keep me from being stressed out, SS3 might be happy the dog is around, but he's going to be expecting the new dog to do what his dog did before and I don't see that happening and then the new puppy would only get half of the attention he deserves because of the new baby anyway. Thanks for responding!

SecondGeneration's picture

Firstly I am so sorry for your loss. Dogs are never just dogs, least not to dog lovers.
You now need to concentrate on yourself, your baby but also on SS3, if you go out and immediately replace the dog then your SS is not going to understand. This is one of those horrible times in life where the extra time is needed to explain that the dog is gone now, to grieve that loss, to remember and think fondly of that dog and when the time is right and you can think of your old dog with a smile to go rescue a new pet. Be it a puppy or adult rescue.

You are quite right, having a puppy and a baby at the same time will be a nightmare, lets face it with the best intentions in the world puppies can be loud, puppies can be boisterous and puppies can/will scratch/harm whilst they learn what is ok for playing and what is too rough.

Christmas is always a terrible time of year for rescue dogs, theres always a big push for rehoming because so many dogs are abandoned. So many people are travelling to see family this year and cant be bothered to take the dog so just give it up, or last years cute puppy is actually a pain in the butt now so lets give it up. But also alot of smaller rescues stop rehoming over christmas because most peoples lives are so hectic at that time of year that there is a higher likelihood of a dog bouncing back.
Enjoy your christmas, enjoy your new baby then in a while when the time is right go down the road of getting a new dog. But maybe you will get there and feel actually this time around you dont want a pup, you want an older dog thats already done potty training etc, in which case you may find that you need to wait a bit longer.

Notacelebration's picture

So sorry. They are our kids with fur. You'll feel it in your heart when the time is right to get another pet. I've rescued for twenty years. I've lost many a good friend. One is particular, nine years ago, and I still cry.
Shelter dogs are great. I currently have an older dog, and she is perfect. No training necessary. Sweet as can be. My girls was over seven when I adopted her, but there are so many dogs in every age range, that are house broken, good with kids, and perfect for a family. Rescue is the most wonderful heartwarming experience you can have.
From now on, I will only rescue older dogs, so they can live out their lives being spoiled, and loved.
Take your time, and trust me...the shelter dog will pick you.

SugarSpice's picture

for many of us, dogs ARE children. i am so sorry for your loss.

as you are pregnant, consider what getting a new dog will be when your human child arrives. will you be able to devote attention to both. be honest with yourself.

if you know in your heart that a dog will make your life happy, and you can include your dog into the family when your child arrives, do go ahead and adopt one. go to a shelter or rescue where many adult dogs are waiting for homes.

the best option IMO is to wait and see when the baby arrives. you cannot risk another dog bolting and being run over by a car.

and NEVER buy a puppy from a shop. these dogs come from puppy mill (abusive dog farms) regardless of what they tell you about reputable breeders.

dont make the mistake of dumping the dog once the human child arrives. shelters and rescues are filled with people dumping pets when a baby comes.