"I Love You Daaaaaddyyyyy"
Seriously, I hear this about 100 times per day when ss is with us. I have never seen a kid that needs to constantly tell a parent they love them so much. It makes me sick :sick: . Ss can't go 20 minutes without curling up on daddy's lap, telling him "I love you daaaaddyyyyy" and asking for hugs and kisses. Even DH thinks it's too much. Eventually DH just says "Thank you son" instead of "I love u too". He also says "I don't want anyone sitting on my lap right now" to get ss to detach from him. Let me also mention that after we put ss to bed, he gets up several times to tell daaaaddyyyyy that he loves him and to ask for hugs and kisses.
WTH is this about?!?
Maybe his BM is telling him
Maybe his BM is telling him to be as annoying as possible when he is at your house?
Show me how much you love me
Show me how much you love me by helping me do the dishes/mow the lawn/clean the cat litter/fold laundry."
The other option is he is starved of attention at his mothers place. I have no idea but depending on his age it could be a reason.
My SD is the same way. She's
My SD is the same way. She's 11.
I think it's due to the fact that her mother constantly smothers her with attention that she does not get at our house. When she's at our house, she is constantly on her father's ass for attention , hugs, kisses, I love you's ect. Then again, it's hard to imagine only seeing your father four days a month. I might be a little needy too. It's so hard for me to relate because my family was always together.
My husband tires of it quickly and forces her to do something on her own. A lot of times we try to buy her things to play with , but even then she feels like she has to have someone either do it with her or watch. This kid is so bad, she won't even watch tv alone because it's BORING.