i hate the bm
my dh sons bm doesnt work she lives off of his child support and the child support of her other son, so in turn the money we make pays for he not the kids. she ignors them and when i first met them she made it apparent who i was. she took my dh youngest son and walked acrossed the room put him in my lap the day after i met him (keep in mind both kids are autistic) and said get used to your new mommy! wtf?? who does that i would never do that to my son. she even went as far as shutting off her phone and telling us we needed to find things to do all day when we were staying with her and it was over 100 degrees outside. we got a hotel room and took care of the boys but how can some one do that and not let the father who wants the kids have them when they are as she says an incovienience i dont get it
What is that song-"It's All
What is that song-"It's All About the Money, Money..." The kids are not an inconvenience when they are allowing the BM to get her CS money.
Sad.......very sad that some
Sad.......very sad that some children are looking at like a meal ticket!!