How can a step parent help their family deal with parental alienation PAS?
I am both a biological parent and step parent. I feel that I am lucky to be able to understand different prespectives of a situation from both view points.
I want to be supportive of my husband and his 13 year old son who moved back with his mother 3 years ago after living with us for 6 years. I helped to raise him, the week before he moved without notice he had the flu and we have emails documenting that his BM refused to take the two boys then ages 10 and 13yrs.old because BM did not want to get sick. It did not matter that I was sick also and that their BF had to work in the field of law enforcement the entire weekend. My parents came to help out by bringing down meals for the other kids so that I would not have to cook, never questioning that it was not their responsiblity. (The BioGrandparents had plans)
When my SS now 13 moved his mother had been taking only him for almost 9 months leaving the oldest now ss16 with us. She would promise to take him and always fell through. Since that point the BM has done everything in her power to as she put it "protect" her youngest from abuse within our home. NOT the oldest, just the younger one who happens to look ALOT like his father.
We have had to spend thousands in legal costs. At first my husband as many bio parents believed what is ex was reporting to him about what his son was claiming. But it became very apparent very quickly that none of the statments were true. He has regretted his decisions every since. I had to prove myself with phone records and thank God cell phones have record on them and video taping now a days or else we would have been long divorced. It was very difficult to go through a rocky road with a spouse that questioned you.
We are finally getting to the point that per the GAL last friday that she acknowledged that there never was abuse and that there is not a question of concerns for the 13 yrold returning to our home. The judge in the case has always ordered the child to continue visitation there was a very short period of a month transition period in which I was not to be at the home while he was there until therapist could evaluate the situation. During even that period of time the ex refused to follow the court order to have ss visit the home to see his siblings and father. She has been found in contempt on three occassions but there has never been any consequences.
The GAL brought up the topic of parental alienation and a training that she had gone to a few weeks ago. She told us that she was very disappointed in their suggestions for parents "just dont give up" A parent doesnt ever want to give up but we do run out of money. We have given up our 6 bedroom home with 2 acres newly build for a home that is very nice but that is on a city lot and it has 4 bedroom, leaving the entire rest of the family without going on vacations and such to just be able to afford custody costs. The GAL told us that SS will be court ordered to visits and that if he does not he will be physically removed or sent to foster care. This is very upsetting to us as my husband and I work within the fields of law enforcement and human services, we clearly understand the level of need of our son.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to legally protect ourselves from false claims and how do we help our son begin to adjust to our home again. We have 5 other children who are very well adjusted per the therapist living within the home. My ss will go from being an only child without limitations for the past 3 years to being the exact middle child of 6. Any help is really appriciated. thanks all.