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His ex is PHYSCO

SweetMom's picture

H came home from work and we sat on the front porch. He said he had to tell me something he didn't want me to get upset. He said his ex wife called his phone. He said he answered because he didn't want her to continue to pester him and wanted to get the call over with. The weekend is coming and it's his week to get his biological daughter. He said she asked if her other daughter could come stay because her grandfather is In The hospital and probably won't be living soon. Long story. She lives with her grandfather and will be needing a place to live soon so more bs I see down the road with her personal bs. Also, if the grandfather dies and both girls are at my house I got to be all involved, we live In a small house. Im not good with comforting stuff. About the time he was finish telling me I looked at the road from my porch and see her car drive by slow and his ex was looking. His phone rings and it's the ex step daughter saying yes they drove by and was just taking a short cut through neighborhood to dodge traffic. Then I hear him tell his ex step daughter he loves her too. He called me today saying he loved me so much. He's been so nice. Something smells fishy . Not looking forward to this kid that's her mothers best friend coming over causing shit.

Monchichi's picture

My SO had a SS from his first marriage. We have not seen him in 2.5 odd years now. I am going to admit I feel very sorry for that child. These men played a role in these children's lives and because of something beyond their control they lost someone they loved.

I don't know how close your H was to his SD but maybe give this one weekend a chance? Set firm boundaries up such as no she may not live with you but you are prepared to help out once in a while? Not EOWE but sometimes? If she's disrespectful of you and your home it's tickets. Set up a list of do's and don'ts. You don't mention how old she is.

Disneyfan's picture

There has to be other options. There's no way the former stepdad should be the go to sitter.

Dizzy's picture


BM's other kid needs to stay elsewhere. It's neither your DH or your responsibility to look after her kid. This would be my hill to die on. (Actually, I'm so touchy after everything I've dealt with, that every hill is my hill to die on at the moment.)

Ninji's picture

From the way this child has treated you the past, there is absolutely no way she should ever be in your home again. It's bad enough that SM's put up with disrespect from Skids but no way in hell you should have to put up with it from EXSkids. That's BS. If she has no where else to go, TO BAD. Actions have consequences. Time for her and your DH to learn that.

Neither one of my SO's EXSKids come to my home. Tried it. Never again. He can spend as much time outside of my home with them as he wants.

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

Never would I ever take this shit from a BMs uterine drippings that my husband didn't help make. Nope. Not at all. Fuck that.

SweetMom's picture

Spring break she stayed and it went down south then. I said no more. They all have a short memory

SweetMom's picture

She is 14. Total disrespectful!! She knows I can't stand her.

SweetMom's picture

In a way I wish you all would just say I'm being a bratty grown woman and selfish. That way I would try to change and give In to all of them. Things could be easy for my husband, I could just block the kids hurtful words. But you see, not to long ago I was 14 and at that age you know what you're saying is hurtful. You know right from wrong. This kid wants her mom with a man that holds a job, benifits, and actually has money In The bank and a home. Her mom now lost weight , got descent fitting clothes , a reliable car and doesn't look hideous anymore. The child sees her mom had it made at one time. I can imagine what she wants. She wants me to give up, say something mean to her by pushing my buttons. She can get away with saying hurtful things because she can throw up she was only a kid. I can't take back words because I'm a grown ass woman. The truth is my husband shouldn't put the woman he loves in a situation of a ex step kid. The kid had other dads. Yes, the BM remarried but it didn't work with those men either. The kid attach herself on the only man that was descent. I just don't want the kid here.