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Do I Need Therapy?...This could take a moment, please bear with me.

dbsojo's picture

I haven't blogged for about two weeks, as things have been fairly neutral (fairly being a relative term). The phone visitation has gone, more or less, the way that it's supposed still takes Mic numerous attempts to talk to his own kid...but at least now BM was letting them talk on the phone. I almost blogged that things were looking up for the situation, but everyone's response tends to, generally speaking, be the same to posts of this nature: Don't expect it to last, but suck it up while it's there. So that's exactly what I did. Then came Friday's visitation for the weekend.

So I'm sure that this sounds credible: SS went home early from school, throwing up-probably has a stomach flu. I got the call from Mic in the afternoon. My only concern, other than SS feeling so badly, was that he was going to be able to have SS the next two weekends to make up for the missed time (6 days a month isn't enough as it is). That's when things started getting fishy.

BM wanted to keep SS for next weekend because he has an "overnight birthday party" to go to, and has already RSVPed. Okay, I thought, trying to disregard the fact that she sends him away overnight at least one night out of every weekend he stays at her house (at least since Christmas). She wanted SS to go almost a month without seeing his dad over this one night. So Mic gets everything straightened out with her about next weekend, in front of witnesses with her on speakerphone, and maybe that's where the story should end. But it smelled a bit fishy.

After some thinking, I checked the cell phone. The call came to Mic at 2:39 pm. Hmmm, I thought. Isn't it odd that she would wait until the time that he usually gets home from school to call? Why not call when he came home, and maybe catch Mic on lunch break? Okay...but I can't get over this fishy, fishy smell.

Turns out, Mic talked to SS during the phone call. He said he was definitely sick, and that he was crying. It's certainly not out the realm of possibility that a child who is sick would cry (althought he has never done so at our house, on account of being sick, anyway), but if he was home early, what was he doing out of bed? Puking? Then why would she put him on the phone? She never lets him talk on the phone sick any other time. And if he had the flu, why would she let him touch the cell phone they apparently still share, regardless of the court order? She also has a baby who has been very sick...apparently it has almost died several times, according to ss. You would think it would be a big deal for everyone to be exchanging germs like that, but hey-maybe she lysoled's possible. But she put him on the phone still crying? Fishier and fishier.

So today, Mic calls to check on SS. Two rings, and the phone goes to voicemail. Someone's back to their old tricks again. He left a message saying he's calling to check on SS. He calls back later on...same thing. So, he's so sick, neither one can pick up the phone to let dad know how he's doing? That- I don't believe. She couldn't even pick up and say he's sleeping, and just say he's okay, or he's not okay, or something...anything?

Personally, I don't think he came home from school early. I think she called right after he got home. I think that she said/did something to make him upset and cry (it certainly wouldn't be the first time that's happened). I think the whole thing is a sham...beautiful weather for the first weekend in March...SS hasn't been heard from all day...the crying. It also wouldn't be the first time that he's been told by BM to lie to dad reagrding visitation. Any one or two of these circumstances together, I wouldn't have mentioned anything (although I still may have thought it), but all these together make me think that either someone is lying, or I really need therapy for having thought about this enough to have all of these questions. If you think I need therapy, PLEASE let me know. I'm seriously considering it...beginning to wonder if I'm the crazy one.


tyra's picture

Maybe just have Mic called the school to see if he did go home early. He has every right to know the condition of his son when he left school.

dbsojo's picture

I talked to Mic about it a little Friday night. He seemed to kind of understand where I was coming from, but he got frustrated about it, and didn't want to talk about it anymore. That's when I posted the blog. But as the weekend progressed, he called to speak to ss like a million times...didn't get to all weekend. He's supposed to call the school anyway about all the info they keep promising to give him, so he's going to ask if ss is in school today (as we still have no idea if he's over it, going to doctor, or what), and he's going to double check about Friday. In terms of this whole situation, we've been talking to our pastor, which keeps he and I on the same page. I was just getting a little worried, beings that these things come up, and I'm the only one that sees through the BS. I've been on target thus far, but it's a bit far-fetched to think that someone would put together this whole conspiracy. That's why I was wondering if there was something wrong with me, and that maybe I needed to talk to a professional. But thank you for your feedback, and I'm already taking, or have already taken, your advice.